IS IT Just ME?! OR did that last scene seem like as Propasal between the two girls? Lucas stepping aside and it seemed to have a Romanticism with to it w/ the flushed faces and big doe eyes and quivering lips?! I amost expected them to Kiss?
I've seen them profess theeir undying frirndship? But this time it seemed like there was this sexual Tension between them like out of a bad Teen Rom-Com or out of a bad LifeTime Movie?!
Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)
I do think that the girls pretty much dismissed all the boys. They had specific conversations with Riley and Farkle then with Maya and Farkle and then with Riley and Lucas where they pretty much said nothing romantic is going on here.
I don't know what would have happened in future episodes, but i do think there is something in the writing that suggests rilaya. Though how characters look at each other is subjective because so many people are bad at reading body language.
There's people who read body language of people on the news they did it w/ Drew Peterso Paris Hilton Police interigations etc... Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)
I Re-Read your post you said most people had trouble i thought you said all at firzt.
Yeah, there are people that are good at reading body language. I just think most people are not and also these are kid actors. They aren't real people who really have feelings. They are kids acting a part. I just think that in this case we have to take into account the actions that the characters are given to do, like holding hands and such which are written into the script, as well as the words that they say to each other. And any props like Maya's picture where she drew a bunch of hearts around a picture of Riley.
I just think body language and chemistry is pretty subjective and therefore isn't good evidence.
You are not alone though. There are thousands of people on tumblr and elsewhere that think Riley and Maya liked each other romantically. Though there are people that think almost any of the couples on this show are possible even after they said that they were over.
Riarkle has never been a thing, in my opinion. They specifically said from very early that Farkle loves both the girls equally and so he could never choose between them, aka nothing was ever going to happen with the girls and Farkle.
Yeah, there are a lot of people that think Riley and Farkle like each other and a lot of people think Maya and Lucas do even though both couples have gone out of their way to say that they did not.
I don't think so. It's 2016 people marry later so it makes sense to push friendships over your 1st crush. Both Riley and Maya were both boy crazy as they come. Rilaya to me is like Cap and Bucky and people overreacting to friendship. Like you can't be good friends unless you f it out nowadays.
Yeah, but two female characters can be more then friends. I thought they were hinting at rilaya since the first episode of the series. They didn't do it, but the boys were dismissed, so there is that. I really thought they were going to go there in Ski Loge Part 2. I don't think that episode makes sense otherwise.
Sure they can but typically when they do nothing but chase after guys it probably says they're just friends and dating the wrong guy.
It seemed to me like they were setting up Maya and Farkle for s4. Zay saying Riley and Farkle were the 2 nicest people he's met was no accident then you go to Farkle and Smackle struggling then Zay playing with her. God this show was a mess.
The only thing I can say for sure is Jacobs completely lost his ability to do a romance. Shawn develops a father relationship with Maya before meeting his mom, Josh is waiting for Maya to stop being jail bait. Everything about this show was a mess besides the kindergarten love story.
I don't think the girls are boy crazy on this show at all. They talk about Lucas at times and very rarely Maya would talk about Josh, usually as a joke, and usually when he was in the room. There are girls that are all about the boys, but these girls were not that, in my opinion.
I think the vast majority of the episodes of this show weren't focused on the flirty aspect of the show at all. There might be a line or two here and there, but the girls were always going on about something else.
Sneaking off to college to chase after a dude who's shown no interest in you equals boy crazy. Both Maya and Riley juggling 2 guys at once is boy crazy. Even Riley's attraction to Lucas is standard action out of boy crazed dopey teen. He's my handsome prince. No Disney show at all is a dating show. So the limited times it's addressed is pretty tstandard.
Looking at your other post though you clearly showed they were tossing some bones in Riyala's way. The hope mural at Christopher Park is a wink. Some of the language may be a wink but I'd still stand by friendships will be treated over partners because people marry later nowadays. Corey and Topanga really don't exist anymore so if you're making a kid's show Corey- Shawn are now the most important couple. I don't think they were going in that direction because it's still too politically sensitive but yeah there may of been a few references thrown in by Jacobs. It probably would of ended the same way up to speculation had they got the 4th season.
It is true that the kids were never going to be adults on this show. Even if the writers just threw in some winks, they were never going to show the kids be married to anyone because at the most it was getting one more season. Even in that flash forward of older Riley and Maya, Maya was moving to do some sort of art fellowship, even though the kid Mayas went ew and older Riley went out the window with her, still Maya was moving somewhere where Riley wasn't.
Part of me does think that the writers are just vile and stupid and don't understand what they are doing, but i just don't think that makes it okay or means that it wasn't written into the show. That would actually mean it was written into the show. Also, there should be no winking at fans of queer relationships anymore. That should not be a thing. It is easily possible that the writer of the show just didn't realize that what he was doing was inappropriate because he hasn't been in charge of a show in awhile. This was also well beyond winking. Like i said, i believe it was overt writing that was very different then things people think are queerbaiting on other shows.
I don't think most shows are actually queerbaitig. Like you said, girls can be friends and girls being friends, being close, holding hands, those sorts of things are not queerbaiting, in my opinion. I just think this show went well over the top to where, for me, they are either vile trolls, idiots, or that was where the show was going.
I don't know want to say troll but I think you pretty much nailed it down that they're too young to have a definitive answer on marriage so they could ambiguously ship them. The shippers could fill in the blanks in the end. I don't think it was leading to an actual moment but it will come out if they were planning on going there. Jacobs has already spilled that he wanted to kill someone.
Now you can say we should be past that but should and are are different things.
The context doesn't read like that to me. We have Riley saying that distance and time can never change things between her and Maya. Then it shows Shaun and Cory to demonstrate two friends who, even though they had time apart, came back together and were close again. Plus there was that time Riley called Maya her sister.
They have a beautiful friendship. It's "girl love" to take a page from Scrubs. Or, to go biblical, part of them belongs to each other, like how Jonathan's soul was "knit with the soul of David". What they have might be rare but the show never indicated it was a romantic or sexual relationship.
Exactly. Girls are like that. I know girls that are super close, they call each other wife and talk about how much they love each other. The boys come and go, they stay. Eventually, they will meet the right guy and that will be that. That's all this was.
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A lot of it is the difference in friendships between genders. An intimate moment between dudes might be one saying to another that they're the only one who really gets them. But they're, usually, not going to give each other friendship bracelets, BFF rings, stuffed animals, etc.
That's why Cory and Shawn were so funny. They behaved how two best friends that were girls would behave. It was also funny because Cory was in love with Topanga, but loved Shawn just as much. They couldn't pull that off with Riley, Maya, Lucas because Lucas and Riley never hung out as a couple.
Good job Oscars! Hopefully Asian and Hispanic nominees in 2018!
Except this show went well beyond giving friendship rings and stuffed animals. There were all these comparisons to Cory and Topanga as well as the language the girls use being well beyond just friendship language. I am not saying that girls in real life aren't close and show that closeness in a more physical way then boys and in a more verbal way because boys have been socialized in America to not do those things.
I am saying that this is a tv show where someone is writing what the people say and what they say has meaning. When they touch each other has meaning. When those conversations happen in relationship to other conversations matter. The comparisons to the canon couples have meaning just as when the compare Riley and May to Cory and Shawn has meaning. It also has meaning when they say it is different.
Maybe, i am wrong. I don't care if i am wrong. All i am saying, is that it is there in the writing.
Exacly that last scene convinced me but then they did that "WonderTwins" Thing to throw us off. or to keep conservative Parent's Happy.
But everything in thatat final scene b4 "Thunder-Lightning" Thing seemed something out of a bad Teen Rom-Com or a bad Lifetime Movie except it was w/ Two Girls! Women, can't live with em; So stuff your mother and live with that.(Bullet Tooth 504)
The show definitely hinted at things that can't be taken any other way then that at the very least Maya likes Riley. There are things that go over and beyond oh these are two girls being friends. Then there are things like Maya's head full of Riley's, Riley's head full of rainbows and unicorns, friends of Dorothy, Christopher Park, the brick and the statues. Those things couldn't have just been done by accident. They aren't just chemistry and how the actors are saying their line. They are stuff that was written in and have to be explained.
When Maya says "I don't know what i like" and Farkle says "woah". The "they love each other, they are going to marry each other" joke by Auggie. The multiple comparisons to Corry and Topanga the most notable being, "I know that, if you’re lucky in this life, you get an extraordinary relationship. My mother and my father met each other very early and stayed together for the rest of their lives. Our first boyfriends, Maya. Who knows how long that’s going to last? We’re going to meet new people all of the time. But, if there’s one thing I know for sure in my life, it’s that you are my extraordinary relationship, Maya."
Also, when Riley calls Maya her sister is i think in those same episodes where they are saying Lucas is like a brother. I think it was in Texas Part 1. I just don't even know what that means. It is just really awkwardly done. Also, if Riley doesn't really think of Lucas as a brother, which i would agree with, then it is just as possible that she doesn't think of Maya as a sister.
There is more. I could go on. I could probably find things in every episode, but i will stop there and just say that, for me, i am not talking about how the girls talk to each other. I am not talking about chemistry or how they look at one another. I am rather talking about all of this really overt stuff, comparrisons with Cory and Topanga's relationship, the Christopher park references, as well as just their relationship being the most important thing in each others lives. Shawn even says that Maya and Riley's relationship is different then his and Cory's. Eric's "no, we knew that already. That's not it. This goes deeper." after the short stack of pancakes fight when the girls say they are best friends.
Maybe the writers didn't mean it, i don't know, but i do know that this isn't just people making things up in their heads either. The writers are either trolls or stupid or they are doing it in purpose.
I give more weight to Riley calling Maya her sister because she's known Maya much longer and always seemed confused about her feelings toward Lucas. As for their generally profound relationship, they are two girls, who typically can get closer than two guys because of the way society views things. An example being that two male friends holding hands is much more likely to be seen a certain way than if it was two female friends.
The show might have some queerbaiting but there was never any hard evidence, that I'm aware of, that they were meant to be a couple. Some could view me calling it a friendship as lessening what they had. On the other hand, perhaps it is elevating what a friend can be. Most people would do better in life with a friend like Maya or Riley.
Most people would do better in life with a friend like Maya or Riley.
They were co-dependent and almost creepy. I can't remember them having more than one or two meaningful conversations with a person their own age without the other person around.
Good job Oscars! Hopefully Asian and Hispanic nominees in 2018!
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That's a fair point. It was great that they were always there for each other when it mattered. But also being together the other 99% of the time was excessive.
I get what you mean about the sister comment. My only issue with it, like i said, was that it was in those same weird episode where Riley and Maya were calling Lucas like a brother. That makes it not enough for me.
Also, for me it is not about them holding hands all the time. It is not about the physical or the eye contact or the "chemistry". It is about the dialogue and the sets and the comparison dialogue. This is not the real world. This is a tv show where these things have meaning.
I also think that if they were a boy and a girl we would not be having this conversation. There would be no doubt that they liked each other and that the writers wrote all of the extremely overt evidence on purpose.
We're seeing the same equation we're just getting different answers to it. But really, what's more important is that we can both appreciate Maya and Riley.