Gordon & Donna fight
Part of the tease on my TV menu says 'Gordon & Donna fight'. Are we going to see flashbacks or is Donna going to fight with a ghost?
sharePart of the tease on my TV menu says 'Gordon & Donna fight'. Are we going to see flashbacks or is Donna going to fight with a ghost?
shareI think the fight they have gives a broad understanding of their relationship and portended of their eventual split. This is normal and happens. I still have a relationship with my ex-wife and will be seeing her next month in Germany.
shareThat scene was stupid.
shareI didn't think it stupid, but I don't know if the final episode should be about the past in Donna and Gordon's relationship. I want it to stay on subject.
shareWhen I say stupid, I mean it didn't contribute anything. It didn't tell us anything about Donna & Gordon's life or marriage we didn't already know. We already know from 4 seasons and the death scene that after everything was said and done, his family was the most important thing to him. It's not like they showed scenes from his failure with Symphony or his success at Cardiff. It was stupid & a waste of time when we could have watched more of Cameron carrying boxes and tape up the stairs to a $5 million dollar home.
shareAgreed. It didn't add anything or bring us closer to a finale. It was a mid-season filler episode, not the penultimate episode to a Grand Finale.
shareThe fight was for the bookend of Gordon in the river. The previous episode we saw his POV of his memories or that 'last thing you see before you go'.
At the end of the episode he's reflecting on the fight while eating a hot dog, then at the river, he dives into the water and literally pass through to the other side. Except he surfaces, and 'heaven' for him is to return to Donna (red haired) and baby, where they then move to Texas, and the whole show begins again.
It's the same shot in the previous episode in the video game Cam made that Donna was watching, where the Blue player dives into the river, then hugs a Red player, together again.
There was another callback to the fight in the episode when Donna sees Gordon still has the electric meat cutter. Either he kept it or never used it, it shows how little a fight in the past can be. She simply puts it in the garbage bag with the rest of the utensils.
The way it's described here makes it seem better than it actually was though. All of this was so literal and obvious - the lens flare flashes, the diving into water - while the dialogue was also stiff and on-the-nose.
This is a good show, but nowhere near deserving of the praise it's getting by critics like Sepinwall. Although no one's really listening to them. Glad this show is over.