Wasn't Gordon ill?

Has he been miraculously healed?


The only lingering symptom, if you could call it that, is he can't drive. For the time being, he seems to be fine. So yes, I would call it a TV miracle healing. ;)


He wasn't terminal. But I have a feeling by series end he's gonna die..


You think they're going to kill a main character? Since it hasn't been part of the storyline so far this season & he seems healthy, I don't know if they're going to go that route, but who knows?


I just feel that maybe if will bring Cameron and Joe back together after they break up again. Which will undoubtedly happen next episode.lol.

Seriously I just think they will end it with at least one shocking thing happening to our group. Maybe with a large time jump into present day at the very end of the last episode. I hope that doesn't happen though. I would like a nice open ended ending like Mad Men got. .


You think Cameron and Joe are going to break up & get back together again? They've never ended any season with anything really shocking - maybe Joe burning the computers - so I doubt they're going to end the show with anything shocking. This isn't Breaking Bad. lol


Well ok maybe not get back together but definitely break up again.


They're going to break up once Joe finds out what she did.


Guess I was right about Gordon dying. Cameron and Joe breaking up I was wrong. Joe has matured as a character a lot over the past couple seasons....poor Gordon..


The whole "Gordon being sick" thing was stupid from the get-go, as were so many of the plot points in Season 2. I'm glad that the writers seem to have basically just chosen to forget that ever happened.

If it suddenly returns and Gordon dies than that will be a major return to stupidity.


Well, he was OK to drive when he picked Donna up, but then he was being driven again in the scene where he found Haley's hangout.


Gordon invented the internet, and social media


Well at least they haven't forgotten that he is still ill. Burning the journals represents what? It is psychosomatic?


Burning the journals was because Katie brought them up. I think it was Gordon telling the audience he's not sick anymore. Being psychosomatic is when you think you're sick, but you're not. Gordon was really ill.


He's ill alright...


About as ill as you can get.
