Amy Adams' character is a total sad sack and doesn't behave like a scientist
The most insane scientific breakthrough happens and all Amy Sadams' character does is look sad and put-upon the entire time. In reality, a scientist like her would be freaking out and going on long passionate rants about what the slightest little detail could mean for our place in the universe and our technology and conception of time and all the rest of it, and it would be the absolute highlight of their careers. They'd act like passionate people that love what they're doing. The project wouldn't be staffed (let alone spearheaded) by some sadsack wet blanket who acts like studying literal aliens is disappointing and
"Oh nooooo it's humanity's most important discovery of all time and literally every waking moment I'm surrounded by the world's top scientists as we advance our respective fields by hundreds of years every single day. Ohhh I'm so saaad ughhhh :("