If you've read the book and are aware of the twist at the end of the story, is this movie still worth seeing or does knowing the twist pretty much ruin any tense buildup and resulting payoff?
I believe the movie actually expanded on the twist ending. The way the movie played it out was much more intriguing and thought-provoking than the short story.
I adored it. I'm a little jealous of the folks who didn't know the twist, but it's like I started with my second viewing. I'm going to see it again, with a different group of friends.
One of my best friends (coincidentally named Louise) was sitting to my right, and when I mentioned that I had watched the whole movie knowing the reveal, she said "I thought I heard you reacting too much emotionally at the beginning!"
Prepare your minds for a new scale of physical, scientific values, gentlemen.
My gf who had read the story thought it fleshed out some things a little bit better and despite knowing the twist I think she spent the last 15 min crying