Does she alter her future? (Spoilers)
At the end Amy Adams says (to Jeremy Renner) something along the lines of "if you saw your whole life ahead of you, would you change anything?"
We know that she told her husband (who we know is Renner) the news about their daughter's illness and he left them both. But then she says the aforementioned line, which makes me think that she alters her future by not telling Renner about the imminent illness, and they live happily together; that is, until the daughter's death. That's why we see Renner with both Amy Adams and their daughter in the bed at the end. That's the way I read it: That she altered her future by not telling him about the illness and they lived happily as a family.
My friend said he thinks she just lived it out normally and didn't tell him, but that line I mentioned above, and the fact that we see Renner with them at the end of the movie, made me think she altered her own future a bit.
What do you think?