*Be Prepared To Be Annoyed By Your Theater Neighbors Because...*
The plot seems to be beyond a lot of the idiots that attend movies these days. The guy on the left of me checked his phone at least 4 times. The girl on the left had her phone out for long periods of time during movie. The guy in front of me had no shame and had the phone out at head level (I assume to get a glimpse of the action on screen while also reading what worthless items he had on his phone).
Just a warning for those thinking by going on opening weekend, you will get intelligent, respectful, sci-fi nerd movie watchers. Because of the RT publicity, you will get a lot of idiots who are used to action movies and step by step pacing and plot development to get bored and pull their phone out.
The Prettiest Girl In The Milky Way Is Neytiri!