MovieChat Forums > Arrival (2016) Discussion > For those who liked the movie: Isn't ver...

For those who liked the movie: Isn't very lame that ... (spoiler)

... the Chinese general changes his mind regarding a major, historical, earth-shattering decision as declaring war on aliens simply because someone calls him out of the blue at the last moment and reminds him that his wife had said that wars don't create heroes but widows and orphans ?


I was under the impression that the other 11 were at a level of similar communication with their Abbott and Costello


I think he probably was already in the process of changing his mind because he was also having conversations with the leaders of the other affected nations.


well, he clearly says to her that she had accomplished something which his superiors could not, changing his mind.


Those words were his wife's last ones. I assume no one else could know them....this is why he listened.

Just forget you ever saw it. It's better that way.


No, not really. See, as a species, we have a universal experience, but we're divided by thoughts, ideas and culture. The interesting thing about it is that, it just takes one thing for people to find find common ground. Getting people to change their minds on anything is incredibly difficult. Once you find that primer, if you will, you have to power to bridge beings. Not change their minds so that they're connected to the motherboard, but to make them understand and see things differently. It's kind of like that scene in Batman v Superman where they're fighting, and Batman stops once he realizes that Superman is just like him, a man with a mother and a life.

"I wish I wasn't afraid all the time, but I am."
-V for Vendetta


I think he was sharing the same kind of experiences as her. That conversation in the future where he tells her he was there to meet her, that knowing smile the whole time, and he realized he had to give her the information to tell him in the past.
