MovieChat Forums > Arrival (2016) Discussion > With interstellar travel technology you ...

With interstellar travel technology you can't detect a ticking bomb in

your room?

Give me a break.

Correct my language errors to receive my genuine respect and appreciation.


Ummm... I got the impression that they DID detect it.

What gives you the impression that they didn't?

"...insert corny quote here"


Your impression is wrong.
One of the 2 aliens was even killed in the blast of the bomb.

Correct my language errors to receive my genuine respect and appreciation.


On the other hand, they managed to push Louise and Ian out of the chamber to safety a second or so before it blew - therefore, they must have detected the bomb.


WOW! OMFG! they noticed the bomb second before the bomb exploded??? Holy *beep* these aliens have god like knowledge and understanding.


As the script demands, we're not suppose to talk or think about the explosion for the rest of the film. Here, drink this koolaid.

Enjoy these words, for one day they'll be gone... All of them.


They could not intervene before that time as it would risk harming Loise and with their grasp on time they knew that she was vital.


They were able to detect the bomb, as they could see the future. Why one of them decided to die is another question. Probably movie suggests that it's the same reason Louise chose not to change anything even though she knew the future.


Well said


They did detect it. Completely. They even tried to warn Louise and Ian about it.

There is another reason to fill your heart with hatred.


Why did they let the bomb in ?


How did they try to warn them about it?


They detected it, but the only way to know the intentions of Louise and Ian was to let it play out. Once they were convinced they didn't know, they saved them and didn't attack us.


It's really quite simple. The director needed this to be classified as a sci-fi movie, so added a senseless explosion. Obviously the aliens could have pushed the bomb out before Ian and Louise even got to the ship, not to mention prevented the rogues from ever putting it there in the first place. A shame that an innocent alien had to die because of a director's silly checklist.


they didn't need to detect it as they could see the future. or did you miss that part?

so why did one of them choose to die?

imagine you can see the future. in this future you save your species by dying. this future is the one you want to happen. what would you do?



The movie did a mistake informing us that the bomb killed the other alien. It didn't add anything and it only made those aliens look incompetent.

There is no reason for the other alien to kill itself (since it knows the future) in order to let the bomb go off the last minute to see if the protsgonist knows anything or not. That's because:

a) They know the future, they should know if the protagonist is a traitor or not, they would not need to make a test.

b) Even if they did need to do the test, the aliens would take all the precations necessary so they don't risk their life-hood.

This was one of the dumbest scenes in the movie (not the one with the bomb, the other where the alien says his friend died there). They should have cut that part completely from the movie. This whole "i sacrifice myself for the greater good, even when there are easily tons of other options available so i don't really have to die" is already bad enough in Hollywood movies when they depict stupid humans, it doesn't have to be as bad when they depict advanced aliens.


Abbott was apparently fatally injured by the explosion, yet the transparent partition did not seem to be breached or even damaged. It is not clear how the destructive energy of the explosion reached him/her/it.


I agree, I was actually confused as to how or why the alien was killed because the partition was still intact. I literally loved everything else about this movie, but that one scene and chain of events didn't really make much sense.


The Alien didn't need to die. His death was pointless & unfruitful.


The alien actor playing the alien wanted too much $ for the sequel, so the writers decided to kill him off. Arrival 2: The Arriving will have a lovable and sassy talking panda (cgi) in place of the second alien.


Andy Serkis ? lol
