They didn't get the film. And then someone had to explain it to them and that made them feel stupid... and subsequently, angry. Or they felt the film was about something other than what they expected, and that made them feel cheated or duped... and subsequently, angry. Or they simply felt following the film was too difficult. Believe it or not, many people prefer simple answers and easy payoffs in their visual entertainments; this is why Vin Diesel has a job in Hollywood. Simple, uncomplicated films also tend to sit better with the chili-cheese dog they bought at the concession. But if instead they got this with their chili-dog, they wound up feeling confused, bewildered, and of course, mildly dyspeptic. And that made them angry. There are too many other reasons, but all with the same result: anger, and this is what propels them to this forum, being reminded all the way by other people who do not share their opinions, and didn't eat a chili-dog recently, that their opinions don't really matter. You might help by assuming they are in earnest, and not call them trolls. For what it's worth, 'Independence Day, Regurgitation' was a disappointment at the box office, and a flop with the critics, so there's no point ridiculing the title of a simpler, less complicated film you might think such viewers prefer. The Dennis Villeneuves and Roland Emmeriches of the world will go on making the films they make as long as wealthy producers let them. And Vin Diesel can probably count on many more years of employment in Hollywood. I guess that's actually good news for pretty much everybody, isn't it?