MovieChat Forums > Arrival (2016) Discussion > Why are people so offended?

Why are people so offended?

A lot of people pretty upset with this film...calling it "pretentious" and other nasty things...Why are these people so excited? Are they not getting laid? Are they upset because they just couldn't understand the concept of non lineal time? We're they expecting something more like "independence day,regurgitation".
Hard to say what goes through a trolls mind....I wouldn't pay any attention though, this is a great attention though...if you don't you might end up on these boards complaining with the rest of them.


I think if it had scantily dressed women and robots that can talk more people would be impressed. That's why audio books are so popular these days as people like the story to be read to them. If they have to read it themselves it means using their brain.


Those people are upset with this film for the EXACT SAME REASON that YOU are upset with people who are upset about this film - so much so that you start a thread just to call them ignorant "trolls," who "can't understand concepts" and "don't get laid" and - which for me is the key to the whole thing - to use scare tactics to try and discourage other people from agreeing with the ideas you don't like. ("Do as I say, or you'll end up in this board behaving like the bad people.")

It's never about a stupid movie, it's about what memes it tries to reinforce in people's heads. If you like those memes, you get on board and join the effort to infect as many heads as you can with them. Otherwise, you try your best to prevent those memes from taking root in people's heads. It's all part of the game.


The only ones who could possibly be offended would be the murderous Maoist regime. Very surprising it was released in Maoland actually. It topped the box office there for opening weekend, then dropped. I guess their 50 cent army went to work trolling to trash the movie immediately after. They'll probably take out another full page in the Wall Street Journal posing as a news article by the Journal to trash the film as blasphemous to the Party. We need to start mentioning their state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting industry as much as possible in movies and songs. Bring those democidal maniacs down and free China, Tibet, Turkestan and Hong Kong!


Humans attack what they don't understand. It's no more complicated than that. Arrival is engaging from start to finish, and the language and time insights are refreshing.


Humans attack what they don't understand.

Ironic that was one of the message of the movie


I've noticed that any time there is an intellectually curious movie, people get really pissed off and call it "dumb" and "pretentious".


Criticisms of it being pretentious and stupid by very pretentious and stupid individuals. How about that? But as you can see, unsurprisingly most of the absurd criticism comes from a buncha highly sensitive women-fearing reich wingers crying about the anti-straight-conservative-anglo-dudes-are-superior-agenda in Hollywood as they do 24/7. Typical.

As is, the title of this post should be... “Why are anti-science and anti-women reich wing christian fundamentalists so offended?”
The answer is in the question. Lol.

The anti-inclusion and anti-science far righties you see whining constantly about modern films and their so-called agendas are the same trolls that grew up watching sci-fi and fantasy films that, apart from being far less inclusive, could absolutely be described as being part of the “lib sjw agenda” (in other words, the non-pro conservative agenda). But since said righties are too GODDAMN stupid and agenda-driven, they think that Hollywood has only in the modern era turned their backs on them as they continue to move forward instead of backwards and they believe leftists screenwriters, actors, directors, etc didn’t have a presence back in the old vanilla days. Sure, fascist reich wingers called the shots back in the day and they would lock up those they saw as a threat (now THAT went beyond being blacklisted), although non-reich wingers absolutely have always had a big presence in the industry that reich wingers despise but are deeply obsessed with. Needless to say, non-reich talents were behind many of the Hollywood classics that modern Hollywood-hating cons love (that includes everything from the anti-fascist og Star Wars to the likes of The Matrix). These complaining reich wing reactionaries that pathetically love to claim certain properties as their own, are truly the ones who are the ultimate triggered little.... frostedflakes. It’s projection 101.


ha ha I totally agree, you are so right !!!

After having read some reviews and comments I see some people went crazy as if they had their religion or whole family insulted and spat at, it is only a sci-fi movie, one amongst dozens and dozens of Hollywood's big budget every year, in it there is no insulting or despising anyone so they are probably trolls that dont get laid and have a pathetic life.

I didnt like Fast and Furious but I dont go on the forum to ciriticize it or insult people who liked this totally fake action movie, cuz it's a movie made to make money, it's 200% fake, 200% entertainment, no different than a video game or going to Disneyland to ride rollercoasters.

I am more right wing than left and i gave it 10/10, it's an awesome movie.


They didn't get the film. And then someone had to explain it to them and that made them feel stupid... and subsequently, angry. Or they felt the film was about something other than what they expected, and that made them feel cheated or duped... and subsequently, angry. Or they simply felt following the film was too difficult. Believe it or not, many people prefer simple answers and easy payoffs in their visual entertainments; this is why Vin Diesel has a job in Hollywood. Simple, uncomplicated films also tend to sit better with the chili-cheese dog they bought at the concession. But if instead they got this with their chili-dog, they wound up feeling confused, bewildered, and of course, mildly dyspeptic. And that made them angry. There are too many other reasons, but all with the same result: anger, and this is what propels them to this forum, being reminded all the way by other people who do not share their opinions, and didn't eat a chili-dog recently, that their opinions don't really matter. You might help by assuming they are in earnest, and not call them trolls. For what it's worth, 'Independence Day, Regurgitation' was a disappointment at the box office, and a flop with the critics, so there's no point ridiculing the title of a simpler, less complicated film you might think such viewers prefer. The Dennis Villeneuves and Roland Emmeriches of the world will go on making the films they make as long as wealthy producers let them. And Vin Diesel can probably count on many more years of employment in Hollywood. I guess that's actually good news for pretty much everybody, isn't it?
