Waste of time

The only recognizably real human interactions occur in the first five minutes and last minute of the film. Other than that, you must be a real sci-fi aficionado to be interested in the unraveling of the alien's language or the meaning of the main character's ability to foresee the future and how it all fits into the plot.
Also, I must say that the movie takes a very dim view of human psychology in showing how it thinks we would react to such an "arrival." Perhaps the writers themselves listen too much to right-wing hate media.


I'm not generally a fan of sci-fi but I enjoyed this film. My question was whether you would have a child knowing they're going to suffer and die at a young age.. I'm not sure whether I would be able to put a child through that but it would be a difficult one because I'm sure their daughter had happy times too however if she never existed, she clearly isn't going to miss it.


Some women do, now. Why is the question.


I don't think many women know their children are going to grow up to have cancer do they?


Not cancer but debillitating genetic abnormalities, such as Down's Syndrome, and others that do lead to a short life.


I think Downs Syndrome is different from something like cancer where you know the child will need to have a lot of painful treatments. It's a difficult question for me.


I don't think it was all that unrealistic. Different cultures handle perceived danger in different ways. Aliens landing on Earth would be such a huge paradigm shift in what a majority of humans believe that there's no way to really say how people would actually react.
