Is Omar good?

Sometimes I think he is doing well and sometimes I'm rolling my eyes that hey cast him. For one thing, I think they should have gone with someone who wears a suit better (or at least get a better tailor!). I think they should have gone with someone of slighter build as well. His acting is mostly good enough. Mostly.

Only seen the first 2 episodes. I like it but I don't love it. It has heart and style but is a bit on the simple side.


He doesn't need to be any good. He's a blackie and that's all Netflix cares about. Ticking the multi-culural boxes.


Hey Voltaire, is being unhinged and racist against Black people your full time job? Lol..
Do you have ANYTHING else going for you ?
You are all over these boards, on every film with even a hint of a black person, just talking trash.
Obsessed much? Lol..


Please try to be more like that other Voltaire.


I am, I am dismayed at the lack of freedom of speech in Western countries. We say we are better than China and Russia because we have democracy and freedom of speech, but that's a LIE. We do not have freedom of speech. Try to organise an anti-lockdown protest, try to speak the truth about the exaggerated covid deaths rates. Try to talk about racial IQ differences or racial crime statistics, interracial rape is just black on white women crime.


I meant that the other Voltaire is dead.


There was a recent news report about a woman who escaped North Korea, eventually landing in New York and attending university. She was shocked how hard school staff/teachers pushed the left agenda and forced group think. She said in many ways it was worse than North Korea, but very similar.


I think he's good. I really like him.


Finished the show. Still feel the same about Sy. Sorta OK but miscast.


The one thing that bugs me is that he is very distinctive looking, it's hard to believe they had any difficulty remembering his face or his size. I like his acting and find him very charismatic. I'm not familiar with French movies/tv in general so may be missing things in his acting that a French-speaking person could catch.


I think he's got the correct charisma for the role, and his acting is fine. What hurts are the action/fighting scenes where he looks extremely clunky. It's cringy at times, and likely the fault of the director for not being able to make those scenes look better with angles or alternative takes.

But it's also a statement about French society. Yeah, those of African ancestry stand out and are discriminated against, but they are also 'ignored' and under estimated.
