About 'COMBO'

1: We never saw the body

2: he did shout 'i dont wanna die' (which hints his days are numbered)

3: I actually thought... milky would come to the rescue but he didn't what a *C__-U__-_N__-t*

4: who where those 'neo nazi' guys? working with black people then? (something doesn't add up)

5: this doesn't feel 'finished to me' 4 episodes is not enough



Combo was killed by hit men.

Milky is a coward who will be haunted for the rest of his days.


so 'hit men' which means milky paid for it then?

milky form the movie all the way to the 90's 'still the biggest p((ussy ever.


I doubt Milky would have paid for it, those family members would have collectively chipped in.
