MovieChat Forums > This Is England '90 (2015) Discussion > Before you started watching TIE 90...

Before you started watching TIE 90...

...what preconceptions did you have of how it was going to play out?

When I knew the series was coming, but hadn't watched any of the trailers etc, I thought the following would be featured some way or another:

1 - A massive rave in a field or warehouse somewhere
2 - Combo would get into trouble with the law again, probably through minor drug dealing
3 - Italia '90
4 - Woody and Lol would finally get married

What we got was...

1 - A Madchester party in a town hall
2 - Combo completely turning himself around, and Harvey being a minor drug dealer
3 - Nope
4 - Yep

Overall I thought it was an amazing series, and I'm still coming to terms with what happened (or may have) to Combo. Anyone else need councelling? Group purchase?


I know what you mean, buddy. I watched the finale a day ago and have been feeling down ever since. Like really down in the dumps. The thing is, it's changed the entire saga too. Rewatching it all is gonna feel different. Milky is always gonna look like the master of horrible decisions. He's never gonna be as likeable as he was before. Combo's scenes are gonna be ten times sadder. There's brave, bold & risky ways to end a series - and then theres just stabbing an audience in the heart and walking away.


Definitely thought we would see...

1. Some kind of comment or one of them going to Spike Island / Manchester (Hacienda probably). I know the music and posters were covered, and Gadget looked like he must have paid a few visits.

2. Gazza / Italia 90, and Thatcher going... In a way I am glad they didn't, apart from the bit in the collage at the beginning.

3. The fall of Communism / Berlin Wall etc being checked (Berlin Wall was late 89, but the whole communist states thing was still going me that happening at the same time as The Roses, is very linked).
