MovieChat Forums > This Is England '90 (2015) Discussion > Things like this don't usually bother me...

Things like this don't usually bother me at all but...

When Combo got grabbed out of the van and started screaming "I don't want to die" it really *beep* hit me hard, I've been thinking about it all day it's really got to me and that's so strange because I'm usually desensitized to most things like that

Just shows how powerful it was

"Like Tears In The Rain"


It made me feel ansolutely sick.
One of the most powerful scenes in TV that I have seen in a long time.

It actually disturbed me more than the Rape scene.
So upsetting.


Made me feel the same, to the point where I had trouble getting off to sleep. It was awful, could even be viewed as too spiteful or disturbing even for a character like Combo. What you cannot argue though is that for anything to be that affective shows the power of the acting and the incredible writing from Meadows. I still think I am going to have a hard time if I ever re-watch the film, 86, 88 or 90 knowing the fate that awaits Combo


Meadow's writing has been poor in this one. lazy, meandering and dull. Credit to Stephen Graham for elevating this dross with his talent.


You were on here saying the same thing during the last two series too...

OOM POM PAH OOM POM PAH thats how it goes...


The writing is not poor. You may not care for the plot/story but that does not mean the writing is poor.


It really got to me too, I enjoy good TV and film but this was on another level, I was truly emotionally involved with the characters.

My heart was pounding all through last half of the program really, and it took me a while to get to sleep afterwards. The fate of combo was the first thing that I thought about this morning and I've been thinking about it all day at work, and talking about it but none of my colleagues actually watched it.

It was the tension that built up, you knew something was going to happen but didn't know what. Combo made the foolish decision to get into that car with Milky, just like Milky made the foolish decision to supply Combo with weed in the film and go back to his flat with it.

Tension build / partial relief - When the car drove off you thought, ah he's messed up, but then it shows them at a cafe so you think OK maybe it is just going to be a one to one, although the cafe was in a bit of an odd area which makes you question what's really going on

Redemption / Betrayal - Combo opens up to Milky and that could have been that, but when those guys come in my heart sank

Shock! - Combo's in the back of the van and you think, right he's going to get a bit of a kicking. But then it goes to another level as they hand him over to those ex military looking guys and god knows what happens after that...

...and that just leaves it hanging with Milky and his dark secret which is obviously haunting him, and us the viewers. The whole thing with Combo and Milky completely overshadowed the other story lines that were going on in the last episode, despite them being given clean endings.

It's certainly left it open for another series but I wonder if it will ever happen.


It was horrid.
Combo was a despicable character, but everybody deserves redemption. I understand the anger of Milky's family but they have become as bad, or possibly worse than Combo.
The screams were chilling. I am sure Combo would've suffered terribly as well.
I think the message here is "Dont be a violent racist". Combo *had* changed, which is one of teh saddest things about it. And even worse, Milky knew he had. But it was too late, teh wheels were in motion.


I didn't like Episode 2 that much, but the rest was very well written in my opinion.


I think the last episode was defintely one that none of us can forget.

I think maybe Combo getting a beating or such would of been acceptable - but killing him, that's too far.
Milky didn't die - and if he had, than all too well for combo to be killed in return.


Milk is the monster Combo created.
Combo had done too much, too little/apologizing it became too late.
Had Combo come out of prison and made it a point to apologize to Milky
and his may have been a different ending.
The fact that Milky had to come to him was BS.

I understand Lol, Combo did her time.

Woody & Milk knew each other since they were children, tight bond..shrugs

I wonder how it would go if he'd beaten either half to death,
not even half, he was a lot closer than that.
Life isn't always eye for an eye, it's not always fair.
Like I said from the gate Milky was not that guy til Combo
Meadows keeps it real/raw very brave man.
I've seen nothing like it in America on tv, cable or film.



Pleased to hear I weren't the only one struggling to sleep and think about it at work today.. Very disturbing scenes.were hoping they weren't going to be too obvious and kill combo so it were heart wrenching that it matter how much he changed his past caught up with him.disapointed Lol never fully got to interrogate milky on combos whereabouts


I think Lol knew, that's why she was sitting there alone
pulling on that fag. She was a million miles away.



Yeah i totally agree. I haven't been that disturbed since Adriana is pulled from the car by Sil. (If you don't get the reference i won't say because its a spoiler)

I also can't stop thinking about Milky in the last scene. The regret.


Jean and Scotty never have to worry.


Combo did his time for Lol murdering her father, but he probably "hurt allot of people" since the first movie and his past has caught up to him, he was a change man in prison, but the things he did to people in first movie, or growing up as a violent racist kid ""made him probably allot of enemies"" that does not forgive, Milk family made a deal to have him delivered to his enemies, they could be people family he probably hurt in the past.

So three things that caused him to be marked for death.

1, He hurt someone or a family member of someone in his past, and now their getting revenge.

2, He was handed over to the enemies he made before he went to prison or in prison, that he knew were stone cold killers

3, Milk family paid hire hitman's to have him killed.

Three would be my choice, every country in the world has hit-man for hire.
