Did Milky forgive Combo?

Ive basically read two different interpratations of Milkys confrontation with Combo. One is that Milky was simply to resentful of Combo for him to forgive him. Others say that Milky did forgive Combo (or atleast that he didnt really want him to die anymore) but that it was "out of his hands" because his family would kill Combo anyway.

Im more inclined to believe the latter. Milky clearly looks guiltridden and remorseful when Combo proclaims that he will spend the rest of his life trying to earn Milkys forgiveness. You can tell that he prolly realises that Combo is a changed man that is already very tormented about what he did yo Milky.


I think he did, otherwise he wouldn't have apologised. I took it as he forgives him but it's too late for it to matter

The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister!



The Spikeopath - Hospital Number 217
