Woody's beard

Was thinking this the other day after Lol and Kelly's visions/dreams of their dad. Would Woody really have grown a beard considering Lol's violent rapist father had one? Just a thought


That's a better reasoning than the 'no one had a beard in 1990' nonsense that I've read elsewhere.

OOM POM PAH OOM POM PAH thats how it goes...


To be fair, I was 21 in 1990 and if anyone I knew of a similar age had a beard like that at the time they would have looked a right prat. Beards weren't ten-a-penny on young men like they are now. Back then they were seen as very uncool. It was something your old man had, not one of your mates.

Duty Now For The Future


I don't think Woody cares what anyone thinks. Besides, he's a dad himself by 1990.

OOM POM PAH OOM POM PAH thats how it goes...


Old twat.


the beard, longish hair and baggy clothes is just him letting himself go a bit. how he looks on his wedding is the style he's going for. on a side note im 26 and i have a beard i think beards are class.


Yep. I'm sure Joe Gilgun said that too, that he's let himself go as a stay at home dad.

It's a strange nitpick in a series of strange nitpicks.

OOM POM PAH OOM POM PAH thats how it goes...


Well the Freud slant of your post is most interesting, but ultimately it was one hell of a scary beard!

The Spikeopath - Hospital Number 217
