MovieChat Forums > This Is England '90 (2015) Discussion > Combo had Spent 3 years in jail for Wood...

Combo had Spent 3 years in jail for Woody (in the movie), what for ?

Just watching the original movie again, and the scene when Combo turns up, I had completely forgotten he had been in jail then as well, and Woody says he basically did his time.

Is if revealed why ?

Also, Combo spends an awful lot of his life in prison, doesn't he.p


I don't think it is said what he went to jail for.
My question is did he do any time for what he did to Milky?
If not....Why?


Yes, he did time for beating Milky half to death. Then he gets out and the first place he visits is his mom's house, only to find her dead. Second place he visits is Lol's house, only to find Lol's dad dead.

He's had one hell of a decade.

You could be my favorite faded fantasy...


Nowhere in the show (or film) does it say that Combo did time for Milky's beating. His absence between '83 and '86 is left unexplained.


Combo did time before the first movie for some crime that he and Woody were both involved in, and he refused to give Woody up:

Woody says about Combo at 0:33:30

he spent three years in the pen for me, he never said nothing. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be with you guys now.


I don't think there was a reason ever given in canon. They came up with various ideas but the one that seems to be accepted is that Woody and Combo tried to steal a helicopter and Woody got away because he could swim and Combo couldn't so he was caught and then took all the blame. Doubt they'll ever bring it up again but yeah, Combo had done 3 years in prison before the film. He then did another 3 years for assaulting Milky. Then 4 years for the manslaughter of Lol's dad. He basically spent nearly the entire 80's banged up.


Lol a helicopter?? Of all things!
