Why the hate?

Why does everyone seem to say that '90 is a let down to the whole series, and even in some cases the film?

I thought it showed the end of a very sorry tale, and really in some ways, the beginning of some of their lives (having children, going to college, learning to forgive, finding jobs) in a very realistic way, and having grown up in these times myself, around similar people, and in some cases similar situations, I found it to be a very realistic portrayal of life around the late '80's, early '90's of British youth.


I liked it on the whole, the Madchester and rave scenes in the first couple of episodes especially.


I liked it on the whole, the Madchester and rave scenes in the first couple of episodes especially.


I liked how most of the characters started to find their footing in life and seemed genuinely happy at the wedding reception, my only complaint, and it is a minor one, is there was no resolution between Gadget and Kelly. I don't mean I wanted them to get together (that would have been too predictable) but it would have been nice if there had been a scene where they made up after their big falling out. They had some great moments together in the series, especially when he comforted her in the morning after the party.

You're a creature of the night, Michael
