"Milky was the blameless original victim and, as it turned out, the final one too. The violent racism he suffered has led to his alienation from his other white friends. This Is England, indeed."
The Guardian is a lefter than left, ridiculous propaganda rag that attempts to portray all men as rapists, all white people as imperialist rapists and all minority groups as saintly and fault free.
In the end, Milky was nothing but a rubbish father and a spineless coward and I hope he lives out the rest of his fictional days in abject misery.
Best film ever made? The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
Spot on. Used to be a Guardian reader but their ultra liberal hand wringing has put me right off the paper. I consider myself liberal but they are beyond a joke.
Nice words from the racist scum tylerdanielblack and bigbluecheese. You are part of the problem, and I hope that if or when you get beaten viciously for no reason you make a better choice. Milky could be called a coward but Combo was worse. He beat him up when he was a child for the temerity to have a loving family. I felt very, very bad for combo but your reductionist facile argument is laughable. Why bother watching it?
Oh my goodness, there was me thinking I was hating on Milky because he was a coward and disloyal bastard but it turns out Im racist scum! Who knew!?
Right well I best pop off and join the BNP then hadn't I? If the cap fits and all that. (you don't think they'll mind me joining do you? Me being mixed race and all?)
Have you thought of getting a bit of help for your anger issues? Its fine spewing forth bile on an anonymous board but it could spill over into 'real life' and we wouldn't want that, what?