Darth Plagueis should have been the final boss!

I was actually waiting for this to tie the whole saga together. Bringing Palpatine back felt dumb…because he died already, but Plagueis already knew how to really cheat death.

I get the “Hollywood” reason to bring Palpatine back, but Darth Plagueis would have made more sense - someone brought up in the saga that actually had the power to return, and would have been surprising in a cinematic sense. TBH, it would have never crossed my mind to bring Palpatine back if I were writing the script.


I agree.


Who could've been Plagueis? Ian McKellan? or maybe Mr Black Magic himself Ian McShane


It could have simply been Darth Plagueis. Bringing Palapatine back felt super cheap. Ugh, the whole sequel trilogy felt super cheap. Bring back a dead character? Why the Snoke character…when Palpatine was the head? Why not just be the head as Palpatine? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Whoever wrote the sequel trilogy really didn’t do their homework.

IMO, the sequel trilogy was two generations removed from writing something that would make sense- A new school that thinks they’re smarter than they really are.

Luke will go out of his way to turn Vader back to the light side, but go completely stupid with his nephew? 🤷🏻‍♂️ ….just simply dumb. It doesn’t make any sense with the information that exists. Even Mark Hamill agrees.


Plagueis was killed by Palpatine. How could he come back?


The same way dead Palpatine came back.


Yeah…duh! If you can conveniently bring back Palpatine, then you can make his mentor the one that was always playing it behind the scenes. IMO, it would have brought the whole saga together. In other words. Plagueis lied to Palpatine about what he was capable of. IMO, he would have been the ideal villain on a sequel trilogy.

Brining Palpatine back was 🤮, and cheap. IMO, if you want it all to connect, then you have you go back to the beginning, and include a villain that was potentially bigger than Palpatine. It was such a missed opportunity that Disney didn’t even try to consider.

In retrospect, Snoke would have played a slightly better villain for episode 9 …because we didn’t know where he came from, and his history could have been “whatever”.

IMO, the people that created the sequel trilogy didn’t care about the lore of the series, and just wanted to make popular IP movies that’ll make money. Abrahams was a terrible idea for this IP - He’s ambitious, but he doesn’t have a real heart for this material. It’s actually insulting that he plays it like he was a fan.


Kennedy's original intention was to have three different writers for each film which made no sense since the trilogy was telling one story in three parts. You wouldn't have three authors writing one novel. They only brought back Abrahams after Rian Johnson angered fans.

It would've made more sense to resurrect Snoke rather than Palpatine.

I read that Kennedy hired writers based on how much profit their previous movies made. I liked the characters and actors, but the writing for them was horrible and some of it made no sense.

I seriously want to start a GoFundMe page to raise money in order to buy the Star Wars franchise from Disney.


Yeah if Palpatine could clone himself why not Smoke? Wasn't a big fan of the Last Jedi but Rise of the Skywalker was just a cash grab. I do think they could do a really cool Rey solo series. Finn and Poe were no Han or Chewbacca.


Take one giant step back. I would've rejected the Last Jedi script and kept Snoke alive. Johnson is a good director, but horrible script writer.

There's a rumor that they want to bring back Rey for a future project.


I agree about Snoke, they didn't give him( or Phasma) anything to show why he was so powerful. The Force Awakens was just rehashed A New Hope. I didn't like the Last Jedi but at least it had some original ideas. Conflicted about Kylo someways I liked him Someways hated him. Anyway free of the non Han and Chewie Rey solo would be great.



Trevorrow wanted to use Plagueis. Imo Snoke should have been Plagueis


Palpatine was dumb, but a guy who didn't exist in the originals or prequels, randomly popping up after 70 years is somehow less dumb to you?


i can kind of see them keeping the grandchildren angle, anakin's evil grandkid and palpatines good grandkid (from his clone i guess, but he wouldn't be back to meet any of them since he's dead) and plagueis playing the two of them like a harp from hell.


Having Darth Plagueis "returning" from the dead would have been equally - if not more! - stupid than bringing Palpatine back.

Palpatine literally tells Anakin he bumped him off in his sleep. And then tells him that, er, actually he doesn't know how to cheat death but thanks for bumping off Mace Windu in the meantime as I'd told you I could and save your missus...

So at least going by lower quality prequels storyline we can accept Palpatine coming back to some degree as at least said they'd be working towards cheating death.

I think they would have been better off spending a bit of time in writing an actual backstory which worked for Snoke and keeping Rian Johnson far, far away...


Hehe…I don’t disagree with this at all. I simply think that the sequel plan was dumb. There really wasn’t a plan to bring it all together.

I just think that it would have been more interesting to bring Plagueis back into the story as an antagonist, which would have also brought all 3 trilogies together into a bind.

Palapatine was already destroyed, so my idea would have been to throw an even bigger entity that was always playing it bigger from behind the curtains - Palapatine’s mentor.

The way I think, it would have felt more authentic, if there was a bigger player than Palpatine being the protagonist in the sequel trilogy - the trilogy that ultimately ends the saga. The Sith that can cheat death. It’s too easy to say that he lied to Palpatine (and was manipulating him). IMO, this antagonist would have flowed much better than cheaply bringing Palpatine back ….who then died, and can conveniently come back whenever Disney wants him to 🙄.

It’s so easy to see that Disney didn’t really have a plan with the sequel trilogy. The actor that plays Palpatine wasn’t asked to reprise the role until the last minute.

Storytelling-wise, it would have made more sense to keep Snoke as the villain (and reveal his true persona in the 3rd movie)….but Rian Johnson absolutely needed to make his stain 🙄.

Making Plagues the villain still keeps Anakin’s kill of Palpatine legit (as the chosen one), especially if his offspring is also responsible for killing Palapatine’s master - Without Anakin, you don’t have Luke or Leia.

If you wanted to play against expectations, you could have Leia kill Plagueis.
