Disney did a fine job with the franchise

The sequel trilogy was great Star Wars entertainment and The Rise of Skywalker nicely concluded the Skywalker saga. I really do think Disney did a fine job with the franchise. I give the sequel trilogy two πŸ‘πŸ‘ way up!




It sucked.




"The sequel trilogy was great Star Wars entertainment and The Rise of Skywalker nicely concluded the Skywalker saga"

No it isn't and no it didn't.

You are one of the few that managed to enjoy all 3; the reception and good will of the fans with Star Wars as a result of this trilogy is so low that there is real consideration (rumors from inside Lucas Film) that they are working out a way to retcon the entire trilogy from canon using the world between worlds 'feature' that is official canon. So many people hated the ST that it is a real possibility it goes the way of Terminator 3 and Salvation (removed from the 'official' timeline).

I am seriously curious though; how can you like the entire trilogy? Each film was basically like a retcon of the previous film. Rian Johnson went out of his way to make sure nothing that was 'set up' in TFA (stupid open ended mystery boxes) would ever be answered and then Rise of Skywalker goes back and tries to retcon the Last Jedi. The meta narrative disconnect of this trilogy is just a jarring disjointed mess. The characters are all unlikable and have shallow personalities that in no way have anything to do with their backstories. The action sequences are well shot but forgettable (often derivative of the OT but only worse). the music is bland and uninspired. The acting was choppy at best and almost uncomfortably bad at worse. TFA and TROS had terribly fast pacing that sucks any and all potential intrigue out of the action scenes. From a writing, music and pacing standpoint there almost nothing redeemable about this trilogy.

The production value was high, the aesthetics were 'passable' (but again derivative), the camera work was good (no shaky cam) but the frame rate was too high, the set design was high quality. That is about all the good I can say about all 3 of these films.


This is clearly either a shitpost, a shill or a Mary Sue simp.


Or someone very young that should not be on the internet on a movie discussion site where there is no filter for "rated R" content.


I will give them a pass if they are too young to know Star Wars.


Not too much of a pass though; even my 5 year old can figure out which are the good star wars and which are the bad (ANH is my 5 year old's favorite; they couldn't sit through TFA or TPM).


Mine doesn't even consider Star Wars to be of any interest. Nice job Kathleen.

Sure can name the majority of MCU characters though.


Well, I made sure mine all watched the OT long before they saw Either TPM or TFA. My oldest watched ANH I think 5 times before even attempting TPM. and then watched ANH 2 more time before attempting TFA.


Agreed. I used to think all the Prequels were OK, but I only have Revenge of the Sith in my personal collection now. TPM is a weird blend of politics and poop jokes, to be honest. It's easily the most childish of all of the Prequels (irony of an actual child as a main character acknowledged).


The irony abounds too because most children don't actually like it.


When it came out it was accepted (except jar jar) - and the videogames and stuff were fine.

Actually ... are there even any ST videogames???

Back to the point, TPM has not aged well ... mainly because it is slightly boring due to politics and childish in some parts, which was what Lucas wanted reportedly.

I would rewrite a powerful force capable slave child a little different than 'happy-go-lucky' if it were me however ... more like 'dark and troubled' which surely would have fit the bill better imo.


nice bait


By 'concluded' I presume you mean 'euthanised'.


LOL you have very low standards, the sequel trilogy was a pile of crap.


I found it very entertaining. It wasn't perfect, and some aspects were rather frustrating. But it was a rip-roaring ride. And that's the main thing I ask for from popular entertainment of this type. This ain't Citizen Kane.
