RT Critic Score 52% Lowest of All Live-Action Star Wars

How can you make a film worse than Attack Of The Clones


They're just butthurt that JJ retconed TLJ, IX's a masterpiece.


i thought subverting expectations was good storytelling ?


It is, all the best movies have characters whose personality and arcs change on a dime under the flimsiest of undeveloped pretenses such that they're virtually unrecognizable.

IX subverted the expectations of TLJ, which subverted the expectations developed in TFA - the whole DT is an amazing piece of work that will be lauded for generations to come.


The Ewok Adventure / Caravan of Courage: 23 %


It's all a joke.

I went through the first 100 reviews on IMDB yesterday, sorted by 'Helpfulness', and counted only 3 reviews above a 5. The rest of the most helpful reviews were between a 1 and a 3.

How this film has a 6.9 is B.S.


Pretty easy when the set up for it was TFA (a, at best, mediocre rehash with unlikeable (or overpowered) implausiable character and a lore breaking directionless improbably plot) and follows up by TLJ (which was a retcon of the previous installment in a disastrously divisive way). Both films ignored the continuity, charactes and lore of what came before; cheapened the mythos of the originals to turn it into a comic book like action spectacle with little substance and zero creativity or soul.

the better question is not how TROS is rated worse than AOTC but how was it ever going to be good when it depended on TFA for set up.


Pretty much every Disney Star Wars movie is worse than Attack of the Clones. Then again, so are the rest of the prequels....


Good. Rise is my least favorite SW by far. I'd rather endure Jar Jar and Hayden Christensen over this any day.
