Going for a 2nd veiwing Tonite

I enjoyed it, and the time of the movie.


What was your crowd like the 1st time?

Cheers? Jeers? Boos? Groans? Applause? Laughter (at the right or wrong spots)?


Laughing and appluse. I'm not really a big fan of the new Star wars. I just like the theatre.


Thanks, that's a good data point. Disney's said they wanted reposition the brand for a more general audience, it it looks like they're having success with that.

I don't know that it will increase profitability, but I'm sure they have quants that have done the research to indicate that it will.


Once you get past the first 15 mins its great, Emperor back out of nowhere, OK


I have no clue on the story, I just enjoy it.


That's why you enjoy it. Anyone who understands the story and characters will hate it. I knew someone who loved Last Jedi but then asked me who Luke Skywalker was.


The original 3 are the only ones I ever watched. Starting from the 1st Star Wars.


Good Lord! You're in quite the bitchy mood today.


You're projecting. And overreacting.

Casual SW fans tend to enjoy the sequel trilogy more because they're not as aware of every SW story and character detail as the hardcore fans. If you disagree, then present your argument like a mature adult rather than spewing an insult like a mindless troll.


That comment was from yesterday . . . quit livin' in the past, it's not healthy.

However, since we're on the subject, you do seem somewhat bitchy today as well.


Obviously, you have no life if you're on the internet 24/7.

You're not capable of presenting an intelligent argument, therefore I'll assume your trolling is to hide your stupidity.


I admire you, that you can put yours on full display.


And you just proved my point.


I sure did, Sweetheart.

Hey, since you're up, be a doll and grab me a beer.


I'm glad you're finally admitting that you're a troll incapable of any type of intelligent thought.


Why do I suddenly have this odd feeling that we were once married?

Perhaps it's a flashback to a past life.


Now, you're just being weird.


Yeah, I'm the one being weird in all this.

By the way, you may want to check your comma usage.


My comma usage is fine. I'm indicating a slight emphasis and pause the same way you are in your sentences.

If you don't like, take it up with the nuns.

You're also assuming I'm female. Never assume anything on the internet.


Let's see, you're sanctimonious, condescending, erratic, prone to emotional reasoning, defensive to a fault, and highly judgmental.

If you're not a middle-aged broad, then I strongly suggest that you have your T levels checked.

Low T is not healthy in the adult male, and exhibits mood symptoms similar to those I listed above.


"you're sanctimonious, condescending, erratic, prone to emotional reasoning, defensive to a fault, and highly judgmental."

And you're not?

I'll add stereotyping and bigoted for you, too.


I put zero stock in what you wrote. I've seen all the Star Wars films in the theater during their original runs, and while I'm not a convention-going cosplay uber-fan, I'm certainly a fan and understand the characters well. I think these three recent films are excellent, and I know many lifelong fans who feel the same. In fact, I'd counter your statement and say that those who hate the film are a small, small minority of fans, and they are in denial about the quality of the new trilogy, instead choosing to hate it because of perceived political statements that aren't even in the actual films.


Why do you believe this scene is great?


Who said it was great. It's certainly effective-- it got people's attention, and let them know that Luke has come a long way since we last saw him. Like much of The Last Jedi, it's about turning the audience's expectations on their head, and forcing them to think. Those who can't/won't think, and want another by-the-numbers action film may have been somewhat disappointed, though the critics and audiences seem to be in agreement that this was a well-made film.

Why *don't* you like that scene?


"Who said it was great."
I want great though. Do you consider that scene even good or just bad?

"forcing them to think."
I do want intelligent movies. Johnson's movies look nice, but his writing is horrible, contradicts 40+ years of SW storytelling, was mindless and had shock value only for the sake of shocking. You can't make an 8th movie in a series and go on a completely different tangent because then the story and characters don't make sense. I don't get the impression Johnson knew anything about SW and he just made things up as he went along.

"it's about turning the audience's expectations on their head"
I like unpredictability also. But, once again, it has to make sense within the story narrative which this doesn't. Johnson is not a writer and it shows.

Early seasons Game of Thrones was often unpredictable, smart, made you think and followed a narrative.

BTW, Disney/Kennedy appeared to have a motive to destroy the original characters by killing them off and wrecking their story arcs. A hack feels the need to destroy the original in order to get people to accept a replacement.


What about that scene contradicts what we've seen leading up to it? It feels right in line with what we've seen before. Consider Yoda and Obi Wan Kenobi. They each went into hiding rather than face the disastrous results of their mistakes. Yoda lived in a little shack in a swamp and talked like a doddering old fool. Kenboi was in isolation, hiding under an assumed name, alone in the desert. As when Obi Wan failed Anakin and allowed him to be seduced to the dark side, so too has Luke given up and become a hermit rather than seek out Kylo Ren and defeat or redeem him.

It might have been fun to see a movie where Rey finds Luke and tells him what's going on, and he grabs his lightsaber and flies off to save the universe, but it was more interesting to learn about Luke's crisis of faith.

I've never watched Game of Thrones, but I can certainly say that The Last Jedi does exactly what you describe. Whether it's Luke's isolation, Vice Admiral Holdo's secret plan, DJ's betrayal, or Rey's struggle to find her path, nothing in this film is what it seems, and the payoff to each aspect is immense because of it.

I see nothing in the new stories that in any way undermines or wrecks the stories of the original characters. In fact, there is a nice synchronicity in that each of their deaths is a sacrifice made to protect the ones they love.


"It feels right in line with what we've seen before."

Rehashing a 40 year old movie plot is proving my point.

In answer to your question, Yoda and Obiwan weren't strong enough in the Force to take out the Emperor and the government had already fallen. It actually made the best tactical sense to wait until Luke grew older and train him in the Force to take out Vader which they did. Ben lived nearby to keep watch over Luke.

Luke abandoning his twin sister and the rebellion is just plain stupid. His motivation was cowardly, not tactical. A lot of his behavior is actually darkside which is also unlike Luke. His attemp to kill his nephew in his sleep is a major betrayal of his twin who entrusted her son to him and makes no sense especially after he redeemed a completely evil Vader.

"It might have been fun to see a movie where Rey finds Luke and tells him what's going on, and he grabs his lightsaber and flies off to save the universe"

Luke did do that! I guess you forgot. Of course, it was lame since he did it as a Force projection.

Lucas wanted to move the story forward in a completely original direction. Since Disney had no story, they should've just went with Lucas' treatments.

"I see nothing in the new stories that in any way undermines or wrecks the stories of the original characters."

They wrecked multiple character and story arcs by rewinding everything from the ending of "Jedi" back to the beginning in "Hope". for instance, Han is a selfish greedy criminal again instead of the loyal, unselfish hero he became.

Vader sacrificed his life to save his son by killing Palpatine who is no longer dead therefore it was for nothing. Lazy and bad writing.

Palpatine wants Rey killed in order to not have Rey killed so she can lead along with him. More crap writing. Crap editing. Rush job for a money grab.
