Force Healing has been a part of Expanded Universe for a long time

So, I know that EU is no longer considered canon, but I’m really surprised that so many people have issues with force healing.
It has been a “feature” of the light side in many games. Dark side comes with choke and lightning, light side with force healing and force absorb.

Of all the missed opportunities in this latest trilogy and this movie especially, force healing not a thing that caught me of guard.

Can we talk about bringing horses into a spaceship battle?


I think the issue is Rey and Kylo aren't master level, yet have mastered the most advanced skills. Even though they have skywalker and palpatine blood, you don't automatically have force lightning and force healing. This brings up the main issue with the disney trilogy, I think.


Oh yeah, them being the master level. I know it was kind of a given, and we were supposed to accept it, but yeah, I think many would prefer to see more of Rey’s training and less of sidequesting to other worlds.
(I liked seeing Luke and Leia training, except for Leia’s disfigured face.)


Just because something was in the EU doesn't automatically make it acceptable. Not all of us read all of the EU nor liked all of it. Some things worked with the EU and some didn't. I take great issue with force healing on the grounds that there is absolutely no evidence of it in the first six films from even the most powerful of jedi.


Thank you for explaining your point of view. While I’m not bothered by the force heal, I will agree that things were done in the movie that disregard established SW norms, or were just slopilly written in just for the sake of it.



I wish I will turn into a Dr. Manhattan when I die, just like in the Disney Trilogy. Yoda pretty much did so in TLJ when he flamed the tree.


Oh, trust me, I agree 100% with sloppy, incompetent?, missed-the-target, writing. Just wasn’t particularly upset by the healing. But maybe it’s because it’s what I’d always i vest points in, when playing games.


your mom has been a part of Expanded Universe for a long time
