Young Luke and Leia Scene

Do you think Disney could make a Star Wars movie that is entirely young Luke and Leia from the OT era like CGI scene in which Luke has the flashback to his training with Leia?


Don't give them any ideas!


Admit it, it'd be awesome if they included tribbles.


The person from Scorpion King could do the sfx. They have a new version of Maya 3D.


HELL. NO. I never want Disney to touch Luke or Leia again.


No, let’s not make the salty edgelord Disney detractors throw any more tantrums! They’ve cried so much as it is. Just kidding... let’s keep them manbabies mad! XD

But sure, Disney definitely could. Would they? I don’t think so — for several reasons, some which should be obvious. And I think this would work better as a tv series, if you ask me. Speaking of, maybe Hamill could make some cameos as younger Luke in future Star Wars shows (de-aging technology has clearly come a long way after all). Since the Skywalker saga has ended though (at least for now), one might ask what would be the point? Eh, it would be a cool thing to see nonetheless. And like I “insinuated”, anything to keep making Disney-hating manbabies lose their fragile minds is fine by me!

In any case, damn that was an excellent flashback scene.


they just deliberately spent half a decade trying to destroy their legacy for the 'new awesomeness' in rey ... there will only be rey films.


If we ever want a Thrawn Trilogy of movies or Jedi Academy trilogy, both Timothy Zahn and Kevin J Anderson respectively, we're going to need that technology for a younger appearing Luke and Leia.

I thought it was well done in Rise, so I'm looking forward to what's next. What I am not looking forward to is Disney dumbing down and butchering the Grand Admiral Thrawn.


He is in the cartoons. The Rebels series. I haven’t seen the episodes yet, but from what I’ve read, it’s in his younger days, as he’s working his way up the ladder.


Indeed, and I've seen all those episodes. I'm glad they brought him back.

He's already a Grand Admiral in it though. I would have preferred they start him at Vice Admiral, and let him become an Admiral and then Grand Admiral during the Galactic Civil War. One of the few alien races that Palpatine trusted to boot.


Oh, wow, ok, I didn’t realize he’s already a Grand Admiral. Yes, agree completely, it would be a great story to follow him from the lower ranks.
