To Star Wars Fans

Let's say this is a bad movie franchise: Honestly, does this series actually destroy Star Wars or does it make the originals look better?

Let's Say this is a good movie: Does it mske the originals look bad?

Personally, I don't think Disney's movies make Star Wars any more or less important to my 5 year old self. Why does anyone cate?


Star Wars is a good movie and I'll stay a fan of it, as long as Han shoots first.


Han shoots only.


Why? What did only ever to to him?


Only did nothing it, it was What he was angry with. And you answered your own question - he only went and to to'd him! Horrible business...


Now I get it!


I'm not going to rest until we get an answer to forky's question.



Yes, it's also possible to watch the bit where Obi-Wan says "your father was already a great pilot when I first met him" without thinking of Anakin in the cockpit of that Naboo ship going "what does this button do? Whoops..." "I'll do a roll - that's a great trick. Wheeeeeeeh!". You can watch the OT without acknowledging the existence of either the PT or the DT.




Oh dear, that's a good point, I never noticed that before.


To be fair, Anakin was a good pilot when they met, remember, he won that pod race.


mmm, Lewis Hamilton is a great driver not pilot. Pretty sure a little kiddie having never previously finished a pod race wasn't exactly what Obi-Wan had in mind!


I’ll go with Lucas here (yuck) and agree that a kid winning a race does show talent for racing/piloting.


... yet choose to ignore the fact that he doesn't know how to pilot an actual spacecraft not an hour later in the same film 😂 Not exactly Rey instantly being able to fly the Falcon stuff but whatever. Each to their own 👍


Soo... would you agree that Obi-Wan was correct “from a certain point of view”!? 😂


You are wrong. Formula one cars, wrc cars and motorcycles are piloted.
Drivers are those that drive cars, you know, without helmets and usually slower, where the risk of a death by accident is much lower.
So based on Anakins's speed and the perils of the race he was definitely pilotting that pod.


Ha ha 😂 That's brilliant! Thank you... And I mean that in a genuine way, obviously I think what you've written is absurd but to be clear I'm not being mean spirited about it. I do love sci-fi "nerds" (again, no offense!) coming up with mental gymnastics to try and justify such obvious production errors - and like I said above, it's followed by clearly showing he can't pilot an actual space craft, so unnecessary - but it is fun to read 👍

I guess the Millennium Falcon was just a big old space bus with helmet-less Han Solo the bus driver. What was Chewbacca - the conductor?


Nah, I'm not a nerd, but did some research and found out you were right all along.
So you can scratch my absurd post.
Actually I took a quote from my motorcycle friend who said :"Motorcycles aren't driven, they are piloted".
I guess he was wrong.
Can't wait to tell him. :)


Upppss! It must be this one...


For me, the Star Wars franchise is a tetralogy

Ep 3.5 Rogue One
Ep 4 A new hope
Ep 5 The Empire Strikes Back
Ep 6 The Return of the Jedi
(end of the story)




Then you're gonna like this short:

It connects Rogue One with A New Hope.




I don't cate either, I heard she's got cooties! 😁


To Game of Thrones Fans To Matrix fans To Terminator fans To Die Hard fans To Alien fans

Let's say this is a bad movie/series franchise: Honestly, does this series actually destroy [insert title] or does it make the originals look better?

Let's Say this is a good movie/series: Does it mske the originals look bad?

Personally, I don't think [insert production company/writers/director] movies/series make Star Wars any more or less important to my 5 year old self. Why does anyone cate?

Why do i keep seeing this garbage about Star Wars and only Star Wars. Why do i need to put in my place for having an opinion? WHy do i need to be called out for voicing an opinion.

The crap Prometheus recieved and not one "Dear Alien fans"


Your not being put in your place. You're not being called out. You chose to read and react to this post. You don't have to answer if you feel so upset.


Why do we need to apoligise for opinions on Star Wars. I never see Star Trek fans feeling guilty for not liking the crappy ones.


Who says that you need to apologize?


I don't recall the producers of the Trek movies publicly attacking its detractors/customers as Alt-Right, Manbabies, Racists, Misogynists, etc.

A lot of fans haven't liked the NT, but it was the creators of the NT that started the war. The dislike by fans for the PT was at least as vocal back in the day, but Lucas never went to war with them.

It's this war in its present form that has created a division in the fan base. Some may feel like the need to apologize for liking or disliking the films, still more are pissed-off at each other, and somewhere in there are the people that just dropped-out of the fandom altogether.


To me the first Star Wars film is the best because it is original storytelling whilst blending the interesting elements of spectacle, scifi and mystical stories that preceded the film.

I think the main problem with the revived trilogy of films is that they spoil the sensibility of the original by redundant or plodding references to the original story elements. That said, the faithfulness to detail and atmosphere and creation of colourful characters brings back the fun and drama of the original films.

A secondary issue is the feeling that Star Wars has been repurposed as a political propaganda vehicle for Hollywood and popular leftist concerns. The original Star Wars was by contrast pure allegory - the messages and ideas were a matter of individual enlightenment or otherwise, without preaching. Much more a telling of a fable than pamphleteering.

The revived trilogy has the distinct advantage of modern graphics and techniques which allow depiction of story elements of a complex nature. The original series was limited to mainly physical effects and physical modelling.

I think Disney has been keen to commodify the films to the point where they are cookie-cutter, branded devices that can be easily sold and digested, a blandness squeezed dry of creativity. George Lucas started this process years before pushing and believing that the success of Star Wars rested on the consumption of merchandise branded as Star Wars.
