The best Star Wars outside of the OT

I loved it and can't wait to see it again!

It's a blast from beginning to end. Old school escapism.

Missing this on the big screen is a big mistake.


So..... do you agree or disagree with the critics about this film?

Plus how do you momentarily feel about that Will Smith pigeon spy movie going up against both TRoS and Frozen II this holiday week? What are you predictions there? Do you feel that one might be in the position to give both films a run for their money?

But, you know, it's probably at least a good thing that Disney bought out the competition in Blue Sky Studio nevertheless..


I agree with you totally, that's what it felt like. Old school adventure.
I didnt see many good movies in 2019, most were ok though. Funny enough my favorite movie of the Year was Dora which I watched with my daughter and enjoyed immensely. (Kudos to the Dora production team)
But this SW movie blew them all to bits. Not perfect and there's flaws there if you wanna look for them, but very enjoyable which is all I look for in a movie anyway.


You and OP were subtly manipulated. This movie copied many things from TESB and ROTJ, just like the the first one copied ANH. This is mainly a fan service remake full of nostalgia and you guys bought it.


Who cares.

These are movies for entertainment.

The movie is entertaining.


These Disney movies are also MUCH better than the prequels.


The first movie and this one are kind of remakes of originals, so I would understand if you felt they were better than prequels. But if you think TLJ is any good then you are not a star wars fan.


How exactly are either remakes? I can see that there are elements of The Force Awakens that act as an homage or callback to the first film, but the overall story, feel, flow, and mood are strikingly different. As for the Rise of Skywalker, I don't see nearly any similarities between it and a previous film.




2nd that agreement.


wth we agree on something? :)


When 3 shill accounts from the same person make a post agreeing with themselves ...


The Disney movies are just rehashed OT with no storytelling nor character development. They'll end up in the garbage heap where they belong in the near future.


ROTS is the best Star Wars movie IMO ....much more detailed and meticulously crafted...


Ain't even close.


So how about my questions, Queen?


I understand the critics of the film but I think they are missing the larger point.

As far as Spies in Disguise I think it will be a flop and yet anther financial failure for Disney/Fox.


I see. For now, I've heard that more fans like TRoS than the critic do. So the reaction seems to be reverse this time compare to TLJ. But this movie still underwhelms and splits a lot of people. *shrug*

Sure, Spies in Disguise still remains to be seen until tomorrow. But Ferdinand once survived against both TLJ and Jumanji before as counter-programming.


I wish more movies would subtly manipulate me. Watched mostly shit this year.


That is kind of true, even Avengers endgame is a disappointment, can't even think a single good movie this year. These days movies are more about special effects than story telling.


I feel the same way...


If you can’t think of a single good movie this year then I thinks that says a lot about you.


Maybe you can name one.


I can name a bunch but I won’t bother Debbie downer. I’ll leave you to wallow in the muck where you prefer to be.


I know a troll when I see one. Time to put you on ignore.


Haha troll? You’re telling me you did not see a single enjoyable movie ALL YEAR and I’m the troll?


I can think of quite a few but I wouldn’t say they blew me out the water. They were just ok and I’m happy with that.

Dora and TRoS are my standouts this year.

Good was Endgame and Spider-Man FFH. Both I still watch up to today but both felt like they could have been better too


joker, Ford vs Ferrari, and knives out were great flicks and that is just off the top of my head. Those three are just examples since October. Plenty of good movies this past year


I agree they were good too, but not mind blowing. I did not watch the Ford thing so maybe I must do that first.


A good time if you don’t take Star Wars too seriously, many fans forget its for kids


It's for all ages tho.


No, it's for KIDS. No real adult could take the entirely silly premise seriously. I mean, space wizards and laser swords? Puhleese!


It was for teenagers and young adults. Take a close look at who is standing on the movie lines in 1977.

BTW, even a movie for young children should have good writing, engaging characters and interesting storytelling while being coherent.

"space wizards and laser swords?"

Jedi Knights are like samurai. The Force is based on Buddhism. Lightsabers are cool, fun and based on traditional swordfighting or fencing.

Anyway,like Lucas said, the story wasn't about spaceships, but a family drama.


Yeah, a family drama that's now become a complete fvcked-up family tree. I'd love to see someone draw that up after this horrible movie.


Yes, it’s fun, moreso the Last Jedi. The plot was on par with RotJ. Yes, plenty of holes if onechooses to dissect it, but the acting was best of the sequels and the pacing zipped along. A solid popcorn film.








Absolutely! It was fun and entertaining. I actually enjoyed this just as much as A New Hope and Revenge of the Sith. I find it surprising to since Force Awakens was mediocre, and Last Jedi bored me to tears


