The perfect ending to the Star Wars saga

JJ Abrams and company truly knocked it out of the park with this one. If you were disappointed with The Last Jedi, fear not, this movie fixes everything and wraps up the trilogy and the whole Star Wars saga in an incredibly satisfying way. Lots of action and plenty of fan service. Fans of the series will not be disappointed.

Go. See. It. Now.


do you mean the Skywalker saga?


No was never ever known as the Skywalker saga....until like a year and a half ago....thats all marketing bullshit....everything else is is Star Wars stories not the saga ..


The Skywalker saga ended when the credits rolled at the end of Return of the Jedi.

Disney Trilogy is Star Wars in name only.


They don't even make good standalone movies.


I agree, as far as I'm concerned Star Wars ended with Return of the Jedi. The Disney films are completely unnecessary fan fiction


The Star Wars saga was perfectly ended at Return of the Jedi. This Disney fanfiction can go fck itself, to be honest.


What about the Prequels? Technically, they came after ROTJ.


Return of the Jedi was trash also.



ROTJ sucked balls ...



Dot dot dot...



Are you saying that everybody dies at the end? Cuz that would be nice way to tie it all up.


Thanks for your review JJ.


Just a few yes or no questions, no further details please.

1. Is Snoke’s backstory or character further elaborated on? We pretty much know nothing about him.

2. Is there any thread left open for a future film in this saga? Or is it totally tidy and finished?


I can answer these questions for you.

1. Yes. He's Palpatine. Not exactly Palpatine, but was a puppet of his. A reanimated corpse that he housed his spirit within because his own body is close to death (doesn't exactly make much sense to me, but apparently he could revive a dead body but not heal his own properly).

2. Pretty clean cut. ..but that doesn't mean we won't ever see another future film. The First Order is gone, Palpatine is gone and it seems like peace will reign supreme... But then again, that's exactly how things seemed at the end of Return of the Jedi.
