Anyone else slightly noised up by that big feels AGAIN trailer?

First time I wasn't immediately online watching the trailer as I'm not particularly interested in seeing this but seen it a couple of times in the cinema now and it kind of winds me up. Can't believe (or rather can) that JJ pretty much just rehashed the TFA trailer with the same "every generation" or whatever line, the same OT emotive music, the same OT feels with Lando's cockpit scene, Death Star, Emperor laugh, etc...

Just so sh!t. If this was supposed to entice the literally disenfranchised back then I call it a supreme fail.

reply this point I'm pretty tired of Scif and superhero films. It was nice to revisit Star Wars but I don't really care anymore. If the movie is shit it's shit....makes no difference to me anymore .


The TFA trailer was actually good (much better than the finished movie). This one looks desperate and all over the place. A very poor trailer and most likely fully reflective of the quality of the full movie.


I let the trailer pass as expected with all of the Rey moments and nostalgia for the past (Lando) as Disney are bound to do this with every Star Wars trailer. What bothers me is the Death Star in the ocean, the superlaser dish only moderately damaged when we KNEW that the massive Khyber crystal at the centre of it exploded a fraction of a second before the entire Death Star was vaporised in ROTJ. As we could see from the explosion, there was practically NOTHING LEFT, so why JarJar Abrams is writing the story as if part of the Death Star survived is beyond me. As for the Emperor's laugh, I only it IS a hologram of an old recording, as there is no way I would like to think of that Palpatine could return... then again, a lot of the EU books had Palpatine coming back anyway, so that's maybe JarJar's inspiration.


Noised up?


The part where rey is 'believing in herself' before she does her boardroom approved 'oh so cool' flip stunt .... literally no-oe considered her to be in any danger.

The trailer is pure cringe. It was difficult to watch.


Yeah that backflip thing was just ridiculous.

As was the tie-fighter approaching from miles away practically skimming the ground like that. Made 0% sense.


Movies actually are meant to touch people on an emotional level, so if you think a movie trailer playing to "feels" is a fail then I guess you can watch Rambo movies or whatever people watch now that doesn't engage them emotionally.
