Looks like Rey's lineage will be explored...SPOILER
Seems clone technology will be involved.
shareBut she doesn't look like any of the major characters from the first six movies! Even if they've somehow managed to change the sex of human clones, you'd still think the clone would look like the original person, and she doesn't bear a strong resemblance to Luke, Han, Leia, Anakin, Padme, Obi-Wan, Lando, any Fett, Dooku, Mon Mothma, Qui-Gon, Shmi, Uncle Owen, Wedge, Palpatine, Mace Windu, Yoda, or Chewie. She's even a foot too tall to be cloned from one of Padme's ladies-in-waiting!
Although given the choice, I'd love for her to be Palpatine's clone. I loved that old queen, I'd take him back any way possible...
She's probably Susan Boyle's daughter.