2019 Star Wars Fan Poll - Would you Rather Have Disney Star Wars or None at All - Vote Here

I vote none at all.




I was prepared for none at all...I was NOT prepare for THIS! Gotta go with none at all👍


Why? If they are bad, you don't have to watch, but if they don't get made there is 0 chance of them being good.


You gotta watch them if you want an actual opinion of them😉👍
But I think I you've touched on an interesting aspect of the disney dilemma when you said...

if they don't get made there is 0 chance of them being good.

This sounds like the mouses plan. Make a shit ton of flicks and sooner or later we'll get it right😂👍


You're right, but you could wait for reviews and public opinion to help with the decision. I didn't mind TFA, but I feel Disney owes me $12 for TLJ. Unfortunately part of the business is discovering what does and doesn't work, I just wish it wasn't with such a beloved franchise.


Good point! I should have said an informed opinion👍 I'm much like you...in that I didn't mind TFA at all. I did feel the third act was tedious...but saw no reason that the story could not continue and thrive. Of course that was assuming the sequel continued the story set up in TFA...that did not happen as we all know. This has unfortunately effected my opinion of TFA. I now know I was right in 2012...they rushed this shit for a quick release date. Many voices were heard inside disney telling TPTB to take their time with the property...wish they would have listened. Now here we are...trying to shoot milk back up the titty...space moose titties that is😉👍


This is pretty much how I feel as well. Lucas's original saga is there forever and stands on its own, regardless of what happens in the future.

Perhaps Disney will get it figured out and, after a refinement period, start making films that the majority of the fandom can appreciate and enjoy.


None would be better.


Whatever the title of the movie that introduced Rey and also had Han Solo in it was pretty bad. If that's Disney Star Wars, you can have it. I don't know if Ridley will improve with age, but I'm skeptical. Best of luck to her.


When the prequels were over, I was satisfied having no more Star Wars movies as it seemed the magic would not be recaptured, the original stars had gotten older, and I felt Return of the Jedi was a good conclusion to the main storyline. Everything else could be left up to the novels. When they announced the sequels, I thought I would give it a shot and see what they came up with.

I'm gonna vote "none at all".


I know it's sacrilege to many fans, but I like the prequels more than the OT. They are more interesting films to me, with their grand scope and vibrant portrayal of the galaxy before everything went to shit.


Me too, I like them better than the OT. Everything is just better overall. For some reason TFA and TLJ don't have that magic, they don't have any world building and just rely on the same ole OT story line.


Yeah, for sure.

The Disney films just feel off, even though they check a bunch of boxes to try to get an OT feel.

The prequels certainly aren't perfect by any means--Phantom Menace in particular has some serious writing issues--but I get what Lucas was going for and I like it. He was trying to tell a classic, epic story and overall I think he succeeded even if he didn't succeed on every level. Revenge of the Sith is by far my favorite film of the entire SW canon.


Since I no longer care at all and will never watch another one, I vote for it to continue on forever. They ruined it so thoroughly that I want revenge. I want it to fall the rest of the way to Hell, dragging those responsible down with it. I want Rian and JJ and Kenedy to see their sour vision tainted even by their twisted standards. It can't be fixed so I want it to burn down to the ground. I want them to clone Rose 20 times and devote time to gender bathrooms. Let Renny Harlan direct the next one.


I vote just to hame the original 1977, 1980 and 1983 Original Theatrical cuts , no SE , no PT, no ST
