what movie will Star Wars: Episode IX be?

TFA was Han Solo's movie and TLJ was Luke Skywalker's movie. Episode 9 was supposed to be Lisa's movie. but sadly Carrie Fisher...you know what happened to her. so what movie will Star Wars: Episode IX be?


Apparently the crew has been looking to cast a female between the ages of 40 and 50 to play a new character named "Mara." Maybe this will be Mara's movie?


who's Mara?


It'll be Rey's movie like the last two were. No more original cast members so the illusion can officially end.


So true, since the sequel trilogy was announced, prequel haters were sure it was gonna be the second coming of Jesus Christ, Luke Han and Leia in every scene
Boy, they were wrong


I think it will be Kylo Ren/Ben Solo's movie. since he is the last Skywalker.


I hate to write this, but Kylo's not a female and Kennedy appears to have an agenda to have only females be the heroes in this new trilogy. Somehow Abrams could still make Rey a Skywalker instead of a "nobody".

Lucas wanted the last trilogy to be about a Skywalker since the movies were supposed to be a family saga. That makes the most sense to me, but again, Kennedy and Disney appear to have a different agenda.


ok then. I heard the crew is looking to cast a female actor between the ages of 40 and 50 to play a new character named "Mara."

so Maybe this will be Mara's movie? but I don't know who Mara is.


There was a Mara Jade in the former EU who was Luke's wife. They had a son named Ben.


thanks. I heard Mara will replace Lisa in episode 9.
