He's starting to sound a lot like Paul Feig when he filmed the pointless remake of Ghostbusters, and turned it into a politically divisive "if you don't like it then you hate women" movie.
If you didn't like TLJ, then you are threatened by women? Seriously, what the hell goes through these people's minds when they say things like this?
People aren't allowed to dislike the new Star Wars movies?
Well, despite being on this message board, I honestly have no desire to see the next film in this trilogy. They've killed everyone I cared to see, and they barely allowed anyone from the original cast to film any scenes together. They dropped the ball with this new trilogy in every way imaginable for anyone who cared about Star Wars.
I'm a casual fan, so the new movies were entertaining, but damn did they ruin Luke Skywalker, and the fact that the original cast members barely had any screen time together is unforgivable.
...and sorry JJ, but yeah, Rey sucks and I don't care about her character at all. I'm sure she'll come out on top fairly easily in the new movie. She can do no wrong.
Maybe I'll rent this one the year after it's released.