MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Rian Johnson thinks he's the new George ...

Rian Johnson thinks he's the new George Lucas

The way he gloats and purrs at his abomination, I hope his new trilogy bombs bigger than Nagasaki, still can't get over the critics scores.


The fact that Kennedy not only approved of the script but she doubled down and gave him his own trilogy speaks volumes about the levels of incompetence (or hostility?) at LucasFilm/Disney. It's flabbergasting.


Considering how many people she has got rid of in the past, I'm wondering if the same is going to happen to Rian after this backlash. There are a number of reasons why that might not happen though: KK clearly can control Rian into doing what she wants / he's totally on board with the feminazi agenda, and they're basically in full denial that TLJ backlash is anything significant... at least publicly.

Regardless, I will not be paying for another Disney Star Wars movie, nonetheless one helmed by this cretin. Disney and RJ did a marvelous job at destroying Star Wars, couldn't have done a better job if they were actually trying to.


I really despise him. It's like what E;R says in his review, it's so bad you almost wonder if he's a troll and wants to destroy Star Wars, because his film seems perfect for that agenda. Couldn't have asked for a worse movie or direction to go in.


He's pretty much the reason why Trevorrow got canned , its like Johnson is untouchable , I just don't get it at all , he wants to rush through the trilogy story , kill whatever's left from the OT so he can start to blend into his new trilogy.


Naaah he's just a good boy, a good obedient man slave wearing his leather outfit and a gag ball 24/7 to his Dominatrix Kathleen Kennedy. Trevorrow got canned b/c he's a straight-white-man who stands for what he believes, a rarity among the Hollywood people these days.
I bet all the stupid SJW moments and Feminazi propaganda in the new SW is Kathleen's doing.
I bet she specifically stipulated her "full control" and "untouchability" in the contract when she persuaded Lucas to sell to Disney.
Disney execs should have known better, for SHAME, for SHAME!!!


Bet he's a trekkie that got beat up by Star Wars fans. As for Kennedy. Every time I see those lizard lips move, I know she's lying.


He's a trekkie? Source?


Oh no, he's fallen at the first hurdle (◕‿-)

'---->Bet< he's a trekkie'


abbrams supports the trek - well after he destroyed it.

rian - if i EVER see that c*#t in the streets...


His face exudes arrogance, very punchable.

"Pfft, if you don't like my movie you just don't understand it and can't accept change, you women-hating scum. I know what's best."
