The Fundamental Flaw in the Sequels

Made this point in some other threads but thought maybe I should post it separately and see what people think.

I think the fundamental issue that has hamstrung the new trilogy is this:

JJA made part VIII not VII.

We have all these unanswered questions and while I like mysterious as much as the next man these aren't mysterious as much as they're just missing plot, the story they SHOULD have told in TFA. They didn't and they didn't so they could keep TFA as close to ANH as possible but now the whole structure of the trilogy is fucked. RJ had to create a part IX that was also a part VII which would take some doing so he largely just didn't bother.

Now we have this mess of a trilogy where VII is largely missing, VIII is a poor mans IV, IX has concluded most of the story and yet we're going to get a part X told by the master of obfuscation himself, JJA!

I can only hope that in the years to come the Star Wars sequels will be being taught in school as a warning of how not to tell an episodic story.


And people said the Prequels were bad. The sequels are worse. Who's having the last laugh now?


I don't like the Prequels though I convinced myself I did at the time. Sad to see people doing the same thing again now (kinda like poetry).

But the thing is the Prequels were an honest, earnest failure. George shot for the moon and missed but at least he had ambition and imagination. The sequels are just a corporate cluster fuck.


A corporate cluster fuck, with a sjw agenda which sticks out like a sore thumb when viewing the episodes as a whole.
