MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > The media keeps spinning it as if all TL...

The media keeps spinning it as if all TLJ detractors = far-right bigots

Which is, of course, decidedly untrue.

To be fair, with autists such as the guy who edited women out of the film, they are being handed that narrative on a plate.

Also, if they came here and read this bord they would like be able to pick out quite a few gems to help spin it further.

Movie was trash narratively and totally tone deaf regarding the characters from the original trilogy. But the people who rage loudest and hardest are the basement dwellers who feel that a whole gender are responsible for their shitty lives and maladjustment. Which in the current political climate are always going to be the ones that the media singles out and promotes.


Yeah well whatcha gonna do about that? Its no ones fault (except the media)
In any scenario, in any conflict, you ALWAYS have idiots and morons saying bullshit stuff.
I mean I have seen some off the rails bullshit from people trying to defend this movie. However, their reactions never get taken when the media reports about it. Ohh the many times I was called a man-baby or a Trump-supporter, or a privileged white male who needs to just die (true story).
And these anti-white male narratives get played HUGELY on the internet. Even the director Rian Johnson loves that shit (you can follow him on Twitter and see what posts he 'likes')
But for obvious reasons, the media ALWAYS picks the women-hating posts, shoves them into a article and then proceeds to just wave all the criticism away. If you hate the movie, you hate women. Thats it. It was the same with Ghostbusters 2016.
You cant win.
You can write a 1000000 words essay on the many many many issues that face TLJ, but as soon as you write the word SJW or anything agains the women characters, you are toast.
Only thing you can do is just actively keep debating and keep using logic and sense. hopefully enough people catch the bullshit and will stop going to see this shit movie and future movies. Keep speaking out, keep reviewing and rating on IMDB, RT and other sites. Keep spreading the truth. Don't give up, never let them win. If they silence us by using these cheap tactics, then we have lost.


I wouldn't be surprised if this fan edit was a publicity stunt.

If not that, definitely trolling.

A genuine edit intended to improve the film is the last thing I suspect.


Ghostbusters 2016 redux


The media are unfortunately fairly dishonest about the issue. Their is not near enough of the people they are describing to effect any films performance or its ratings. But since they need to come up with a reason the fans didn't love it. They pick out the few actual scumbags out there and paint everyone with the same brush. Even though people did not hate TFA and R1 anywhere near like this film and as far as right-wing extremist are concerned those films are certainly no better than this one. SO why is it the fan response would be so much worse for this film than those if its all just far-right sexist/bigots?

The reality is all kinds of people disliked this film, a lot of people that do like it see it as a flawed film as well. Its simply not a great film.
