The Real Issue
I see alot of people writing arguments about why TLJ failed. I think the main problem with TLJ is its overblown and out of proportion SJW agenda. Its visible in EVERY scene. I cannot imagine even left-wingers being satisfied with this crap. I'll give 1 example out of the 10000 that are there, and leave you guys to fill in the rest of the examples.
i'll take the scene with Luke and Kylo as an example. The whole argument of him wanting to kill Kylo in a split second is because he senses something dark in Kylo right? right ? well, be that as it may, for some unexplainable reason, Rey also senses something in Kylo, but she senses his bright and light future.
Thats why she goes to him, surrenders herself and risks being killed. She does the same thing Luke did confronting Vader. But here's the thing.
How come Luke CANNOT sense this good in Kylo? He is an extremely well trained and old Jedi, wise as fuck, aged as fuck.
He cannot sense Kylo's future, but some unknown, untrained and unexperienced girl from the desert can? Wanna know why? men are weak, women are cool and awesome, get over it! SJW agenda at its finest.
Youtube video explaining the SJW issue in depth, way better than I can :