The Real Issue

I see alot of people writing arguments about why TLJ failed. I think the main problem with TLJ is its overblown and out of proportion SJW agenda. Its visible in EVERY scene. I cannot imagine even left-wingers being satisfied with this crap. I'll give 1 example out of the 10000 that are there, and leave you guys to fill in the rest of the examples.

i'll take the scene with Luke and Kylo as an example. The whole argument of him wanting to kill Kylo in a split second is because he senses something dark in Kylo right? right ? well, be that as it may, for some unexplainable reason, Rey also senses something in Kylo, but she senses his bright and light future.
Thats why she goes to him, surrenders herself and risks being killed. She does the same thing Luke did confronting Vader. But here's the thing.
How come Luke CANNOT sense this good in Kylo? He is an extremely well trained and old Jedi, wise as fuck, aged as fuck.
He cannot sense Kylo's future, but some unknown, untrained and unexperienced girl from the desert can? Wanna know why? men are weak, women are cool and awesome, get over it! SJW agenda at its finest.

Youtube video explaining the SJW issue in depth, way better than I can :


I don't know, that sounds more like sloppy writing. SJWs are annoying and mentally-deranged, for sure, but I don't think their cult can be blamed for just plain lazy writing.


Really? I know its super lazy writing, but thats the point. Its soooo stupid and dumb, it HAS to be deliberate.
No writer that writes and directs movies for a living, could make this mistake. Is has to be on purpose.
Luke is a white male that is de-masculinated just so that Rey can look better. Luke cannot sense good in Kylo, yet Rey can? Its bullshit


Why should anyone make any effort? Just slap the label 'Star Wars' on any old crap and it will sell.


"I know its super lazy writing, but thats the point. Its soooo stupid and dumb, it HAS to be deliberate."

You are giving credit to stupidity that is not warranted. As in "stupid and dumb" is smart enough to be deliberate, in terms of writing and story. Nope, not buying it. Stupid and dumb being deliberate is evil and sociopathic.


He cannot sense Kylo's future, but some unknown, untrained and unexperienced girl from the desert can?

This is so idiotic. Luke and Kylo had their little "incident" when Rey was a child, or maybe even before she was born!

Rey never sensed Kylo's future. Kylo was ALREADY EVIL by the time Rey met him.

The other guy replying was so eager to SJW-bash that he didn't notice this idiocy either.

I don't know what movie you guys watched.


You haven't watched the movie mate....
Rey goes to Kylo because she senses good in him... good in him, after he fcking killed Han Solo and hesitated to kill Leia. He was willing to kill both his parents. He has done horrible stuff yes. Kylo was indeed evil when he met Rey. Yet Rey goes to him because she thinks he can change. She literally says she saw glimps of his future (watch the movie again, she says it in the throne room).
So Luke trained this guy his whole life almost, only senses darkness and even thinks about killing Kylo (even though Kylo HASNT DONE ANYTHING WRONG AT THIS POINT) and when he ACTUALLY DOES SOMETHING WRONG, Rey comes in and senses good in him. Explain this shit then. Because I can't. This fcking movie is horrible...


If I had to take a guess out of the dark I would say both rey and Luke see what they need or want to see. Luke sensed evil in ren when he went up to him while he was sleeping and I guess envisioned all the horrible things he would do. I am guessing up until this point those visions were just possibilities but Luke made that future sealed when ren saw Luke about to murder him. Yes snoke was already influencing ren but who is to say that snoke had control already over ren. And then on the other side rey had a vision of rens future on the light side and could not let that go until after their duo battle and finding out kylo wanted to start a new Order. In fact I still think underneath he will turn back to the light. It should be interesting what happens to kylo in the next movie. Maybe his future is somewhere between the light and the dark.


Why would Luke only see darkness? It doesnt make sense. He would sense good in Vader (whom had killed thousand of people already, even murdering children) but he wouldnt sense good in Kylo? who up untill that point had done NOTHING yet. And how do you know Snoke is actively influencing Kylo? We know nothing about Snoke. We dont know what he did or didnt do. Snoke doesnt matter apparently.


I have thought about something recently. Why was Luke so certain of the good in his father and why was it so important to save him when he never knew him. And on the other side in am sure Kylo knew and was around Luke to some degree and that Luke had a bond with him. Yet he has given up trying to save his own nephew.


wasn't this all Snoke's doing and nothing to do with Rey sensing good on her own


by darkpast:
wasn't this all Snoke's doing and nothing to do with Rey sensing good on her own.

@After killing his father, Snoke sensed that Kylo , unexpectantly ,did not "surrender " completely to the dark side ( remember , after he didn't kill his mother).

Snoke linked Kylo and Rey's minds because he was counting on Rey wanting to try and save that spark of light/of good that was still in Kylo ..he used Kylo as bait .

The distance between them was great but linking their minds Snoke gave Rey the possibility to sense Kylo's conflict .

Luke should have sensed it too ...he was far stronger with the Force .


Which is also bullshit. If Snoke is SOOO powerfull that he is able to make Rey sense stuff and Luke not, then why the hell didnt the Emperor use this power also? Why is Snoke so goddamn powerfull that he gets to pull all of these plotholes off?


Fortunately/unfortunately I haven’t seen last Jedi yet but I basically agree, and I’m essentially a liberal democrat.

It just feels like they’re casting based solely on gender, race, etc. I hate when these things interrupt any artistic process especially arts that love like film.

I’ve also taken many film criticism where EVERY detail is judged thru the race/gender prism. One self described feminazi critiques every benign camera angle and gesture of films like Silence of the Lambs and Pretty Woman. It’s odd that now similar people now overlook the obvious “Mary Sue” factor going on in the new SW trilogy.


How come Luke CANNOT sense this good in Kylo?

There's no SJW problem here, it's just plain bad writing on Rian Johnson's part.

Here's the real problem with that: Luke knew that Kylo was being influenced by Snoke... Yet instead of trying to do something about Snoke, he decides to kill his own nephew?

I HOPE Snoke was influencing Luke as well, even if it was Snoke's mere presence that was corrupting Luke.
