What kind of training did Rey receive?
In between movies The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi?
I tried Google but it was stumped by the question.
In between movies The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi?
I tried Google but it was stumped by the question.
There is no time frame between the two movies.
shareSo basically Rey received no training in the Jedi arts. Then how did she know how to fight in tandem with multiple assailants?
shareShe already had 14 years of experience defending herself with a staff and practicing as much as she wants. Extrapolating to a half-staff isn't impossible. She'd do better with Maul's double-ended saber actually.
Luke never received any lightsaber combat training whatsoever, ZERO, and managed to beat Vader who was trained for years and who had been using a saber longer than Luke had been alive.
Luke was also a farm boy living with an adopted family before he left Tatooine.
A brief training session with Obi-wan Kenobi and a training remote onboard the Millenium Falcon, on the way to Alderaan, where he learned the basics of lightsaber form
On Devaron he found training remotes and used his previous training from Kenobi to practice and improve against the exercises the went through
Luke returned to Tatooine and found The Journals of Ben Kenobi that Kenobi had written and left for him, and he proceeded to study there from there onwards, including information about lightsaber combat
On Nar Shaddaa, he was caught by Grakkus and trained by a figure called the gamemaster in lightsaber combat
He presumably underwent lightsaber training on Dagobah with Yoda, though it is not shown on-screen in TESB
Note that all of this takes place before his duel with Vader on Bespin
Beyond this, as ancillary to lightsaber training itself, he:
Practiced privately during this time
Learned about how to construct a lightsaber based on studying Huulik's lightsaber and any information given to him by Obi-wan Kenobi, culminating in his construction of his own/new lightsaber on Tatooine right before rescuing Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt
Over this time, Luke also grew stronger in the Force, and engaged in several duels/combats, which presumably increased his skill and experience, such as:
A ghest on Rodia
Bounty hunters on Omereth
Stormtroopers on Devaron
A brief duel with Darth Vader on Cymoon I
Boba Fett on Tatooine
Stormtroopers, and Kongo the Disemboweler, a beast with lightsaber-resistant armor, in the arena in Grakkus' Palace
A second duel on Bespin with Darth Vader (where Vader wasn't trying to kill him, only defeat, subdue and turn him to the dark side)
The rescue of Han Solo on Tatooine, and all that that entailed (including holding off Boba Fett, again)
His final duel with Darth Vader, where he managed to defeat him
So there was a bunch of stuff created later to fill in the gaps.
Rey already knew how to fight and had been using her staff for many years, so there is little need for anything more.
So basically Rey taught herself while Luke and Anakin needed training? Why would males require training but not females?
shareHe was trained by Ben Kenobi to use a lightsaber, and then he was trained by Yoda in the force in ESB. He rushed off to face Vader, and got whipped.
It wasn't until the ROJ he was able to defeat Vader, but then was almost destroyed by Palpatine. Until Vader turned back to the light side, and saved him.
Luke was the son of the chosen one, Rey is the daughter of NO ONE.
Its reasonable to imagine Luke honing the skills he's learnt between movies, unlike the Disney movies the original movies are separated by years, Rey on the other hand is an overpowered Mary Sue.
There is. Or do you think she has been standing in front of Luke for several years? All of the events in TFA and TLJ presumably unfold over the span of a couple of weeks.
shareI think its actually 3 days or so.
shareI can't imagine the New Order chasing the remains of the rebel forces over a couple of weeks in open space.
shareWell, there is a comedic moment where Luke tells Rey to close her eyes and reach out, as she has her eyes closed and her hand reaching out, Luke tickles her hand and asks "Do you feel that?" Rey excitedly responds "Yes." Luke tells her "That's the Force."
That was pretty much what we got out of Luke Skywalker teaching Rey about the Force, a scene that is intended to be humorous.
I'm just glad that a major plotline in the Force Awakens was about finding the map to Luke Skywalker, considering how integral he was to the development of Rey's character.
Tickle Me Jedi! Thats gold!
Anybody have any idea what the poster said below to warrant being removed? Very curious?
shareShe didn't receive any because TLJ picks up immediately after the events of TFA. Besides she doesn't need to train she already beat Kylo Ren, use Jedi mind tricks, and move things with the force.
shareShe didn't receive any because TLJ picks up immediately after the events of TFA. Besides she doesn't need to train she already beat Kylo Ren, use Jedi mind tricks, and move things with the force.
shareWhat kind of training did broom boy receive? He's like 10 years old casually using the Force to pick up his broom when it's only inches away. Such trivial usage, like it's nothing to him.
He could become more powerful than Luke and Anakin combined! No training, probably no conscious knowledge of the Force.
Will anyone ever question and nitpick broom boy's powers? Doubtful, since he's a boy. Boys are allowed to have power.
"Pssst! Froggy... Rey is a Mary Sue".