Where is Wedge?

The ace fighter pilot who destroyed the second death star, has been involved in the story from the beginning, and has connections to Leia -- why is he not present? Or at least mentioned? Did Denis Lawson have some previous acting commitment that conflicted with doing the new episodes?

(Or Lando, for that matter? It would make more sense that he had been mentioned/closed out in the previous episode, given his connections to Han, but they didn't, so...)

Unless Wedge was on the bridge with Leia and Admiral Akbar at the beginning, and I missed it?


Denis Lawson (actor who played Wedge) was approached to appear in TFA, but wasn’t interested. The source I read (haven’t got it to hand right now) said that he said that “it would bore me”


That is a shame. Wedge has always seemed a connection to Obi-Wan for me, given that DL is Ewan McGregor's uncle (I know. It's a stretch. Work with me), so it's a bummer that he's not there anymore.

Would have been nice for the writers to have at least mentioned him or Lando at some point, 'cause right now, they just seem like loose ends. But this trilogy doesn't seem too concerned about those.


Maybe he figured the new trilogy would be crap?

Oh, wait, it IS.


They seem to want Lando back but haven't found a way to do it yet (he was almost in Last Jedi). I think Billy Dee Williams is fine with returning, so I expect him to pop in the next one.


What would be cool is if Lando got the Falcon back.


Not sure how hard it would have been to add him to the casino mission. Seems just the place you would find Lando actually. Might have made the whole sequence less a waste of time.


Indeed. The casino was the perfect place to introduce him. He could have had Lobot with him, the latter being the slicer. Would have been a good way for Lando to join the fight.


If only Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher had done the same as Denis Lawson, then these two-bit movies would truly be seen as what they are, very expensive fan fiction.


Not even Fan fiction I'm afraid. They feel more like they've been written by an algorithm.


He retired after getting rich off his invention, the Wedge Salad.




I love the Wedge Salad! Also known as, the laziest salad ever. Chop a head of Iceberg Lettuce into quarters. Put one quarter on a plate, and drizzle some dressing on it. Boom! Salad. :-)


We should all be glad that Lando and Wedge aren't in these movies. Just leave them as they were. You know that, if they were brought back, they would just be randomly killed off like the other returning characters. :-P
