LOL @ Luke Skywalker Action Figure

They didn't even bother giving him a lightsaber... Who needs it when you're a pathetic has-been I guess.

Now he just needs a big jug of Green Milk...


thats a creepy action figure...did u see his hands? lol


His hands are curled in the apprehension of having Rey wandering about on his island disturbing him. ;)


He should at least have the hilt of Vader's lightsaber, then give Luke "saber-chucking action" where he throws it over his shoulder.


Good one... and make a Sea Creature Milking Playset to put him in.


The saber-chuck arm action would make the figures sell like hotcakes. ;)


Funny...was at a Disney store months ago checking out the pretty cool die cast figures...noticed Luke had no saber and thought...huh, that's two Luke figures including hasbros that has no saber...wonder what's up with that? Figured it was because he does no lightsaber handling in this outfit...probably wearing a different one during his action sequences...little did I know...ignorance is bliss🤕


I thought the same or that the lightsaber figures would be released after the movie to prevent spoilers. I was imagining any excuse except the truth! Cause the truth hurts... 🙁


Man don't you know? We're not supposed to be salty about Lukes untimely demise...or no Skywalkers in the last installment of the SKYWALKER SAGA...or the fact that for the first time in said saga...lightsabers never cross blades??? What do you think this is? Star Wars or something? Oh wait...


Maybe they are working towards ending the Skywalker line for good at the end of 9 and moving on to other stories. Even if Ben survives, he’s only one guy. There’s only so much you can do with that. Maybe they are trying to make lightsabers out of style. Idk anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What use is a lightsaber on a desolate island? :P

I have a "Last Jedi" Skywalker figure. I'm not sure if it's better than that one. :D


Hover over the thumbnails on the left. Sik dance moves, bro!


On a related note, I see there's a Maz Kanata action figure, even though she appeared superfluously for 30 seconds in a video communication. If I were a cynical man, I'd say it's almost as if they put her in the film just to sell the action figure ...


Or as a subliminal Battlefront 2 advertisement
