MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > A Star Wars worthy of Altman and Eastwoo...

A Star Wars worthy of Altman and Eastwood

Lucas never could have given us a fresh re-examination of his universe. Nor for that matter Abrams or even Spielberg and after seven films it is about time. The Last Jedi is a marvel. That it exists within the "canon" is an opportunity seldom available in cinematic history. A major studio, investing hundreds of millions of dollars on a "skewed vision" of a tentpole franchise is a brave action by Disney and one I can not praise enough. I get fans feeling betrayed. Our culture of aggrievement certainly doesn't reward those brave enough to challenge audiences' preconceptions. Nitpicking for plot holes, misogeny and dismissive attitudes should be expected, but with greater reflection, those reactions dissolve and the brilliance of Rian Johnson's choices become clearer. Not everyone has sated their appetites of the reckless bucks on their "hero's" journeys but for those who are open to something more, the Last Jedi is refreshing, revitalizing and broadening.



Funny you didn't feel compelled to to address the actual content and instead just nit picked spelling and dismissively mentioned misconceptions you chose not to elaborate on. Sorry you have the sads about not getting the Star Wars movie you wanted.



I assumed anyone on a film board would no about Altman and Eastwood's films and their portrayals of "heroes" to not require a detailed thesis in a post. I was apparently mistaken.

It would be kind of hard for Lucas, who I haven't respected for decades or read anything about since he sold the rights to the films he so poorly made, to give me the sads anymore than he did with the prequels.



For all the lofty condescension you don't make a single actual point. You say "the brilliance of Rian Johnson's choices become clearer" ... leaving aside the grammar error, what choices do you mean and why are they "brilliant?"



Save your debate games for the trolls. I'd be happy to expound on Johnson's choices for anyone sincerely interested. You are just deflecting because I called you out on your shallow name calling. So if you are now ready to engage in a dialogue show your good-faith by expounding on my misconceptions or apologize for your dismissive post.



Classic troll maneuver



You need to watch the works of Christopher Nolan, way better than these sh!tty Star Wars movies.


Newsflash! Nolan is closer to Altman and Eastwood than he will ever be to Lucas and Star Wars.



Love Nolan , but there is not one of his films that surpasses or is better than A New Hope



I think Empire Strikes Back is better than all of Nolan's films, but I would argue that The Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar, The Dark Knight and maybe Memento are better than A New Hope.


i actually didnt like rises that much , i actually prefer Begins, thing is with Nolan , his films dont have a great rewatch appeal , the prestige i can watch again and again, not taking anything away from him , i do think he is one of the greatest directors



except that it is basically the same Disney ethos in Jedi Drag... it's the Zootopia-fication of Star Wars... it's not really as transgressive, brave, or original... it's a very standard Disney process...

it's part of Star Wars transitioning (mind the pun) from a fantasy series for nerdy little boys into a more generally accepted Disney product, with all of the corporate and PC trimmings that come along with it... I think then next installment will be the post-op version...


lol troll post :).

The ultimate non-conformist troll is force to pretend to like something when the vast majority hate it. It's the only way to 'stand out' yo!


Non-conformists who like billion dollar making Hollywood franchise films? Talk about just farting out the first thing that goes through your head.


So I should like a film because it is a cash-in in on it's brand power?

Nah, don't like it because of what it contains ...

Some logic.


Like it or don't. But don't pretend you know anything about me. Some logic, yo.


... I didn't have to assume anything, you literally wrote it.......

