Holdo's Sacrifice Opens a Plot Hole?

In the scene where Holdo 9/11's the Mega Destroyer, does that open a plot hole for future installments? If a single ship can take down a Mega Destroyer, why not program ships to auto-pilot into massive ships at light speed? Having that as an option and choosing not to take it might be seen as a plot hole now. Heck, even if it requires a single pilot, better to sacrifice one than dozens in a frontal assault (as seen at the beginning of the movie).


And why would it even have to be a ship, with all of the fixtures required to support the crew? Bathrooms, bedrooms, mess halls, drinking fountains, chairs, tables, airlocks, docking bays, etc...?

Why not just an empty hull with thrusters? Or maybe an empty hull filled with explosives? or a warhead?

Wait, that would just be what's known as a "missile."

And if you could just shoot a missile at it and take it down, well, that just wouldn't make sense.
