Disney Afraid Han Solo May Bomb Now


For some time now, there’s been a nagging sense that all might not be well behind the scenes of Disney’s Star Wars Universe. The Force Awakens and Rogue One seemingly washed away the stale memories of George Lucas’s prequel trilogy, but a string of high profile departures from the forthcoming sequels and some very divisive reactions to The Last Jedi have somewhat undermined that. Now, it looks like things could get even worse, as a source close to the production of Solo: A Star Wars Story has revealed the company is bracing itself for that film to fail significantly.

A source close to the film’s production has informed us:

Disney is bracing themselves for the Han Solo movie to bomb. They were worried about it before all The Last Jedi controversy, but now they’re essentially writing Solo off. The lead actor, Alden Ehrenreich, can’t act, and they had a dialogue coach on hand for all of his scenes. On top of that, the script is unworkable. It’s going to be a car crash.



I don't doubt that it will be terrible, but it will be a hit.


So finally someone sees Alden as the mediocre actor that he is...when will they realize he's a midget too?


Wow...things are starting to spiral out of control at Lucasfilm. The worst part for Disney that they are still far from recouping the 4.1 billion purchase price...let alone the production costs that has to be added to that for all of these filmed which are super-expensive.


I personally never saw the logic of a Han Solo film he's probably the iconic OT bad boy but I find it really hard for anyone to come up with a good pre-OT story for him he was very well established as a character in the OT and Harrison Ford really did a great job at acting the character there is no need to try and establish a background for character.

Disney's approach to Star Wars films is very short sighted they are not really handling the franchise very well assigning directors and writers they can control and Disneyfy the films just look at how they added useless sub-plots in "The Last Jedi". What's next Disney style singing and dancing...Star Wars ain't the Lion King !
