General Hux
Comes across as a childish lunatic, a kid throwing a tantrum. I could kick his ass any day. No Grand Moff Tarkin he is!
shareComes across as a childish lunatic, a kid throwing a tantrum. I could kick his ass any day. No Grand Moff Tarkin he is!
shareI think he is great and very riveting. A classic bad-guy.
shareI posted on this topic the other day, but I think it might be Domnhall Gleeson. He might be a good actor generally (no pun intended) but is just miscast in this role.
shareI think that's what they were trying to show. Hux is no Tarkin. Kylo is no Vader. They let their emotions take them over. They are not calm and composed in control of their rage. Kylo trying to ape Vader has been pointed out sometimes subtly and sometimes openly by Snoke etc. in the movie. The 1st order is led by these young people who are navigating their own paths, still developing.
shareIt makes sense. Kylo tries too hard to be evil, he has light inside him. It's not as natural to him as it was to Vader. Vader was 100% dark. Eventually, only changing sides in his last moments.
shareYes. so the "childish" "impulsiveness" found in the characters were intentional. Just to show a contrast and an eventual development.
sharei wonder who will get to kill hux in the next movie kylo or finn