7.8 on IMDb...

Started at 8.5? More than a point a day...πŸ€”


I knew it would steadily drop once more and more moviegoers started seeing it. Wonder if it will eventually dip below 7.0?


Sure...but Disney will have an answer for that...the new one is that rottentomatoes was hacked and that accounts for the 56% score...shit you not!


So true. Disgusting that they're trying to spin it like that. Down to 55% on RT. Hope we see a drastic decrease in people going to see the movie.


it seems like a realistic score, though women rate it 8.2


Really? Funny...most women I've talked to really didn't like it...Luke seems to have crossed all racial and gender lines...I mean it's Luke fucking Skywalker already!


you really need to wait a couple months to get the true score on imdb. But i would be surprised if it dropped below a 7
