No focus at all, just like Justice League. Films being made for ADHD audiences (SPOILERS)
How many plot threads are required per movie nowadays?
- Message about human cost of disobeying authority completely lost in the cacophony of infinite plot threads.
- Kill Leia, but don't really kill her. The Kylo Ren internal conflict drama of killing his mother completely wasted.
- Luke's island life shown in a ridiculous two-minute montage. This is what passes for developing the setting and characters.
- Oh shit I can see Kylo and he can see me suddenly out of nowhere!
- Introduce new random crew plebeian whose sister died during the kamikaze bombing of pearl harbor.
- They chased us because of a tracker on the mother ship. Origin of tracker? Where did it come from? Nobody knows. Yet we have schematics of what it looks like and where it is located.
- New quest acquired. Find codebreaker on a distant random planet. But, forget about the codebreaker halfway through the mission and free the slaves!
- Meanwhile on two-minute-montage-island wax on, wax off, then join the dark side, but not really, but will you? No, not really. This will not end how you think. Also history is just perspectives y'all. Then burn a tree.
- Oh shit, the sith rule of two comes to fruition. Apprentice kills master and tries to acquire new apprentice. This will not end how you think. Btw, does anyone know who that snoke dude was?
- Lightsaber explosion one second, Rey supposedly steals a new order ship off camera and miraculously appears on the millennium falcon the next second. Nice.
- Meanwhile back at the slow motion interstellar vehicular pursuit. This is a coup! Just kidding, I can't even do a coup against a group of aged female bureaucrats without guns. Imma take a nap and abandon ship.
- Meanwhile the quest to destroy the tracker continues. Found junkyard scoundrel as a replacement codebreaker. We got this! No, nevermind they caught us and junkyard scoundrel betrayed us.
- Oh no! The captain/dictator who sank with the ship sank her ship through our hull!
- Let's quickly change setting now to the nearby planet where you get cool footprints that look like blood.
- Oh no, kamikaze mission to destroy the cannon failed, should have let the Jap do it. Black people are terrible at kamikaze. Is that racist?
- Here comes A New Hope! But why does Luke look so young. Fuck it, it's time for epic action scenes!
- Let the people get distracted by the epic action scenes while the Jews flee the cave. Here comes moses to part the rocks, I mean here comes the New New Hope. Millenium falcon is now the new state of Israel.
- Luke says: There isn't enough ATP in my bloodstream. Imma die now, thanks.
- On casino planet the proletariat plot to overthrow the bourgeois. The End.
This film is like 5 or 6 films in one. Why do filmmakers feel compelled to fit in so many plot threads into one movie nowadays instead of spending time telling a well told story with developed characters and themes.