We have people who show unfathomable talent at music,art,mathematics, memories,etc, with little to no training.Why can't we just accept that perhaps Rey is naturally good with the Force because it is inherent to her?
That not with standing, we already know why rey is good with the force. Shes a balance to kylo ren. The force needs balance and the stronger kylo ren got, the more the balance went out of wack. She brings the balance back.
No one shat bricks when anakin turned out to be the product of a virgin birth, but give a girl some power and all hell breaks loose. Snoke told us all what rey is. No one seemed to care to listen, because it gets in the way of the all the mary sue drama they love so much.
I think a lot of people want to recapture a feeling that the original trilogy invoked in them. Unfortunately,as adults I feel that type of captive wonderment is almost impossible to achieve. "Kids have overactive imaginations" is an expression for a reason. The new movies will never seem as good, because we are watching them as different people.
This. My 45 year old self cannot possibly see even the OT the same way as I saw it when I was a child. As you say, we've grown up and the child is gone, replaced by responsibilities, jobs, mortgages, etc...
"The new movies will never seem as good, because we are watching them as different people."
The problem is with how movies are made now. They are emphasizing action and special effects in lieu of story-telling and character development so it's hard to feel anything. The exception for me was The Force Awakens which did feel magical and I really liked the characters and their chemistry. Otherwise, TV shows have replaced movies for that feeling of "wonderment".
The writing for The Last Jedi was bad. Storylines in the first movie were dropped. No continuity. The few characters that did have chemistry didn't interact much in this movie. I think you really need to be a fan to make these movies well and Johnson clearly wasn't.
Because Star Wars isn't set in our world. TFA clearly built a bit of mystery around the parentage of Rey, with most people coming to the conclusion that she must be a Skywalker or a Kenobi, or possibly a descendant of a member of the Jedi Council, or even a Palpatine. To do that, then in the next movie fail to develop that any further but instead suggest that she's nobody in particular is both lazy and unsatisfying writing. I expected more, and I suspect so did most fans. It's possible that it will be answered properly in Episode IX, but that doesn't excuse having no real progress made on the question in this film. Yes, there's the mirror in the dark-side blowhole sequence, but it reveals nothing, not even a hint.
It's a middle movie,that wasn't exactly clear one way or the other,at least not definitively. There are definitely reasons the Kylo would lie about her heritage. Maybe they were junkers,but we've met 3 Jedi masters that lived impoverished lifestyles,and that doesn't seem too outlandish that her parents might too.
It would definitely serve kylo in his end to have rey join him by laying about her parents. Saying she no one is designed to make her feel alone. To make her feel as though he is the only one that really wants her. In saying that, if she does turn out to be a nobody, Im ok with that. Either way its was going to be a bit weird if everyone was related. The fathers, brothers, nephews, cousins roommate gag comes to mind lol.
What would be cool is if Rey and Ren turn each other half way and end up as Grey Jedi, embodying the balance of light and dark that stabilises the Force and brings peace to the galaxy.