MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Rey's midichlorian count must be off the...

Rey's midichlorian count must be off the charts!

Holy shit, she barely needs Luke to help train her in the ways of the Force.


Too bad Luke never got his midichlorians tested...they might have discovered that genetic disorder,passed to him from his mother, that causes major characters to drop dead for no apparent reason....


That's hilarious. Well said.


Lol, that's pretty funny.


Fuck midichlorians. That is all.


Sorry, but Luke explicitly references events from the prequel trilogy, which means they are still canon. Hence, Rey's midichlorian count must be exceptional.


But we could always assume that it was just early tech detecting them and they assumed that they made a person force sensitive. When in "reality" they are nothing more than harmless parasites attracted to force users, and really have nothing to do with it at all. Kinda like how we all thought eggs were bad, but then it turned out food cholesterol has nothing to do with blood cholesterol, so eggs are actually good.


Totally agree - Lucas invented midichlorians to be just an indicator of force sensitivity, not the cause for it.


I accept the prequels as canon, but midichlorians are an unnecessary explanation that detracted from the mystical nature of the Force. The Force was originally based on the Tao (light/dark side being analogous to yin/yang), so a pseudoscientific explanation was unwanted and unneeded. Also, if midichlorians are accepted, it would be theoretically possible to inject oneself with midichlorians or to undergo some form of gene therapy to increase your Force awareness or power, or turn a non-Force user into a Force user. There is no evidence that either of those are possible. Everything in Star Wars suggests the opposite.


Hey this thread! Refresh my memory...when did Luke reference the prequels?


When he talks about how the Jedi were arrogant at the height of their power and did not notice Darth Sidious coming up into power.


Yup..the mention of sidious triggered my memory...thanks! One of my few gripes towards the sagas direction,prior to TLJ, has been a conspicuous dismissal of the prequels...figures this installment would right that wrong...
